6 Simple Ways to Fill Your Editorial Calendar without Going Crazy!
Photo Credit Pexels by Ludovic Delot: https://www.pexels.com/photo/burning-paper-in-close-up-view-15092985/

6 Simple Ways to Fill Your Editorial Calendar without Going Crazy!

Do you know what you’re going to publish this week? Next month? In six months? If the answer is “no,” — and for many of us, it is — then you’re a reactionary marketer. And reactionary marketers will never see the results that they were hoping for.?

The only way to be a pro-active marketer is to build out a solid content editorial calendar that you can stay faithful to.

Easily fill your editorial calendar by creating themes, answering questions, identifying your values, leaving space for spontaneity, listing your benefits, and running strategic promotions. These strategies will help you consistently stay front-of-mind for your target audience.

Today in Marketing by Listening How to fill your content editorial calendar by paying attention to 6 simple elements…  How to get started on filling your editorial calendar gently (so that you actually DO IT!)  Client Spotlight: See what other businesses are putting out for content!

Making and keeping a powerful editorial calendar isn’t easy if you’re not used to it. Picking one — maybe two — of these strategies at a time will help you improve faster than trying to dive into all of them at once.

Identify Your Values so You can Schedule Their Appearance

What matters most to you in business? Besides making money, of course. Things like:

  • kindness,
  • growth, positivity,
  • politics,
  • religion,
  • community, and,
  • culture

Can be just as — if not more — important than the bottom line. Looking at what’s coming up on the calendar can help you schedule value-based content.

There’s a reason that Christian organizations get very loud around the holidays, Easter, and graduation season. Environmental companies are usually more active with their marketing during the spring and summer. And so on. ?

Answer Real Questions

I used this technique to find my content for this very newsletter.

What are you most curious about (in the world of marketing)?  What are you most curious about (in the world of marketing)? Social media success 14% Content and copywriting 43% Graphic design 14% Video creation 29%
Screenshot of Fitz'n'Jammer Poll

Content and copywriting was the clear winner, and video content was definitively second.

So now I know what my audience is curious about, and I wrote this article.

You can get questions to answer from Google search, conversations on social media, deliberately created polls, and from your peers.

Leave Space to be Spontaneous

Montana bans TikTok (so don't rely on social media) Sudden sea changes like this is why I always say that your best bet as a business is to have your own #website. #socialmedia is great, but with so many elements that you just can't control:   - Unannounced algorithm changes  - Bad personality matches   - Getting flagged (rightly or wrongly) for some content share   - Political interference and/or influence   - Shifts in public opinion  You've got to have a solid Plan A (not a back-up plan, but your first pillar in your online #businessstrategy) firmly in place.  How's your website doing?

Being too perfect in your marketing is a major red flag in today’s AI hot-button world. People want to see some off-the-cuff, less-than-perfect content.

Leave a few spaces on your calendar where you can talk about something:

  • that’s trending,
  • react to someone else’s social media post, or,
  • join an event that you just discovered

Make a Master List of Your Top Benefits

How do you make your clients/customers lives better? What are your unique skills? What do you do in a different way than your peers?

Create a list of those things that set you apart, and then schedule time to talk about each one of those things in the coming months. You can disguise your benefits by talking about the problem, or asking questions of your own if you’re a little uncomfortable with blowing your own horn too often.

Create and Run Strategic Promotions

A great way to have something to talk about is to make something worth talking about. I’ve seen this done successfully with: free webinars, workshops, discounts on books and reports, one-day events, and Q&A sessions.

These promotional activities can be either free or for a nominal fee, and they should be hardcore pointing back towards your larger programs or services.

Design Your Business Themes

Use your values and benefits together to form broad themes for your business. Depending on how comfortable you are with scheduling out I'd recommend making as many as 12 major business themes (one for each month). Some of my themes are:

  • consistency,
  • listening,
  • video creation,
  • and more

How to Schedule

If you're curious about how I schedule out my content calendar, balancing dates against values, benefits against spontaneity, then please subscribe! It's quick, it's free, and you'll get special, insider value every other week (when I don't publish here on LinkedIn).

Fitz'n'Jammer Client Spotlight: Cheap Rent in Los Angeles Is Your Content Hitting Home? Creating hard-hitting online content is an art and science, and in order to master it you must: Know when to be controversial (cheap ANYTHING in Los Angeles?)  Offer powerful factual content  Give help on a difficult topic

Please Comment!

My whole business is based on listening. Which is why I do things like ask questions, put out polls, and network to discover problems that real people are facing in the real world.

I rely on all of you (my wonderful listeners) to tell me what's most important to you so I can speak to it!

The comments section is open:

“No Need to Look Further for a Writer who Knows What She’s Doing” “Suzanna's love of writing is evident in all her articles, publications and online work. Her highly imaginative works are a delight to behold, [as well as] easy to read and understand. If you're looking for a writer that knows what she's doing, there's no need to look further. ” Faith Sage CEO Helping women navigate grief, business and life


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