6 Simple Tips for Teachers to Control a Classroom
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6 Simple Tips for Teachers to Control a Classroom

I was checking classes at the school as usual. Upon arriving at the second level with the ground, I could hear students laughing loudly from a classroom. I thought that the concerned teacher might not reach the class. In the absence of a teacher, students relaxed in their preferred style.

Whenever I checked classes, I always had the class schedule with me. I checked and found no class was supposed to be vacant on the second floor. The sound became clearer and louder as I moved closer to Std. 9. I positioned myself hidden behind a nearby pillar to catch the students in action while they were shouting.

I was astounded to see Ms Leena, the teacher, standing in the class. She was teaching some lessons. Almost half of the students were chatting among themselves and paying no attention to the teacher. I then came from hiding so that the students could see me. The classroom was completely silent. I watched the class for a little while before leaving.

Neither did I speak any word with Ms. Leena nor scold the students for being undisciplined to keep the dignity of a teacher.

The Study Report published in the International Journal of Scientific Research found that 56% of students responding to related questions said that chatter in the classroom and scraping sounds from tables and chairs were some sources of annoying noise that led to easily broken attention.

I have decades of experience working in schools, having held the positions of principal and teacher.

About class control, I have learned the very first lesson is how to hold students’ attention during a class.

Students examine their teachers according to how well they can put an end to classroom noise. When pupils are noisy, the teacher gets upset and loses interest in what they are teaching. Distracting sounds hurt the academic achievement of sincere students.

Disorder in the classroom leads to poor teaching. If teachers don’t plan to face such a situation, even the most skilled teachers occasionally have to deal with this problem.

Let us investigate the problem professionally.

Penalties Don’t Work: Analyze the Students and Yourself

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Some teachers scare young pupils so they won’t talk in class. But it falls short with teenagers.

Keeping the students silent out of fear of punishment is not an effective classroom management strategy. Children who are terrified rarely ponder or learn anything. The curious minds of children are silenced. If the children don’t ask questions, the point of inquiry — a vital element of education — we cannot execute.

Most teachers encounter the problem of undisciplined students to some extent. They deal with it. Sometimes teachers bear for a very long period.

Generally, teachers continue to focus on rowdy students instead of dealing with the problems that are making the classroom uneasy.

In the classroom, teachers must evaluate their behavior, gestures, and facial expressions in the same manner that students do.

If you find something in your analysis to improve take it.

Here are some tips I have that could serve the teachers in maintaining order in the classroom:

1. Establish Teacher’s Authority

Lay the foundation of a unique authority that is not forced but happily accepted. The teacher’s careful, loving supervision moves the students to follow their commands. Create trust in students so that they feel confident and secure under your guidance. They will never fail to give you respect and appreciation. I know a lot of many teachers who command such loving respect.

This is what I am talking about. That the teacher needs to establish.

Children make notes on every aspect of the teacher’s character. They are astute observers.

A teacher needs to act with maturity, use reserved words, and project appropriate body language.

Students have faith in a teacher who is knowledgeable and well-prepared in the subject.

Because of our genetic makeup, we respect those who can outwit, outsmart, and outrun us. It similarly applies to children. They desire to be led by a teacher who possesses these attributes.

Similar to a doctor who pays attention to the needy patient first, the teacher typically treats the students first, who are unknowingly breaking the class order. Without realizing they’re spoiling themselves. They deserve a teacher’s immediate attention.

You never forget that you are an entire package of wisdom, self-control, direction, and regulation.

2. Maintain your commitment and integrity

The students verify that you take independent action based on what you say.

If you follow through on your words, you can impress children’s emotions.

A teacher is an unwavering supporter and motivator of their students.

They are neither flexible nor inflexible.

In the best interests of the pupils, they may be lenient or severe.

Make sure your kids understand this lesson.

Hold that, you say.

Be careful: Repeatedly, students force their teachers to choose between two unfavourable options and assess their level of reliability.

3. Never Neglect Unruly Students

In their rush to finish the curriculum, some teachers might believe that if they ignore unruly students, they will eventually settle down.


In contrast to what was thought, things would get worse every day.

Being neutral in the matter of indiscipline is the green light.

Other students’ confidence in the teacher’s ability to manage the class and help those who are having trouble finding their path is lost.

A lot of the class’s students won’t respect the teacher.

Maintaining classroom order requires you to pay close attention to the rules.

4. Identify the Unsettling Students

While teaching, teachers need to be on watch for troublemakers.

You must look at every student in the room and establish eye contact while observing their behaviour.

Talk to each restless student individually outside of the classroom if you have any.

Inform parents about their behaviour in class, if at all workable.

Their parents will also push them to act appropriately in class.

5. Split up the instructional time into segments

Do not introduce the subject as soon as you enter the classroom.


Spend some time interacting with students to get them ready to pay attention to what you have to say.


Proceed to the day’s lesson. It would be best if you allowed pupils ample time to ask questions before the lesson ends.


Evaluate how well students understand if they don’t have questions.

As a result, there are three segments for your class participation.

Instruct pupils to adhere to the segment schedule.

6. List the “Dos,” not the “Don’ts.”

Be optimistic.

There’s no need to mention your “Don’ts.”

What conduct in class do you expect from your students?

Create a chart with these points highlighted in bold and display it on the front wall.

Read aloud once a week.

The method will be effective up to the junior level.

Driving Force

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Teachers, your goal is not only to train minds but to impress hearts, too. Stay in control of yourself and maintain control over your students. Follow your work more like a passion than a profession. Be energetic, passionate, and knowledgeable.

Believe me, your presence in the class will be enough to calm down the students to listen to you attentively.

#Classroom Management






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