6 Simple Marketing Tweaks to Grow your Advisory Business

6 Simple Marketing Tweaks to Grow your Advisory Business

As a financial advisor, you work hard to keep your business running smoothly, and that includes utilizing a strong marketing strategy. It’s crucial that you are boosting your firm’s online presence and sales with strong lead generation and marketing tactics. If you already have a marketing strategy set up at your firm (which you should!), then these 6 simple tweaks will help to grow your advisory business.

6 Marketing Tweaks to Grow Your Firm

Start implementing these simple marketing tweaks today and watch it pay off tenfold.

Marketing Engagement

1. Leverage Social Media

Social media has grown exponentially since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, in fact, between 46% and 51% of US adults were using social media more frequently than before the quarantine. With that being said, there are plenty of reasons that you should be utilizing social media at your firm, as it’s a great way to connect with others while providing pertinent content for both prospects and current clients.

When it comes to social media, it’s important that you are scheduling your content consistently so that you stay top of mind of your audience. When you already have so much going on, managing your social media can be difficult at times, which is where Lead Pilot comes in. With Lead Pilot, you can:

  • Easily schedule your content so that you can maintain a consistent schedule.
  • Automatically archive your posts to meet regulatory requirements.
  • Choose from infographics, videos and content from the Lead Pilot library or create your own.
Lead Pilot social media

In addition to sharing the content from Lead Pilot or your own, make sure that you are sharing third-party articles, as well. This is a great way to connect with others, which in turn makes them more likely to follow/engage with you or share your content. It’s important that you are engaging with your audience on social, as well, so make sure you are commenting on their posts, liking them, sharing or retweeting. It shows that you want to connect and aren’t just on the platforms to share your own content, but you care about the content of others, as well.

2. Tweak Your Website Copy

You may feel like your website copy is really strong, but you still aren’t generating as many leads as you would like. Simply tweaking your language, when it comes to discussing price or changing up the language on your calls to action can make a big difference.


I encourage clients to include fees on their website, as it’s so important to be upfront with your prospects, and most people want to know what they will be paying before they buy it. This can also serve as an initial pre-screening as this cuts down on the first meeting with someone who can’t meet your minimums in the first place.

Settlement Investment Services

Twenty Over Ten client Settlement Investment Services breaks down their fee structure in an easy to understand table that is labeled by tiers so prospects know exactly what they get with each package. Each tier also has a minimum listed at the very top.

With this table, the firm is being transparent while also providing detailed information in a concise and condensed format, which helps prospects from becoming overwhelmed.


If you don’t have a call to action on your website, then how will clients know what to do for the next step? When executed correctly, a CTA can give visitors that extra push that they need in order to get more information about your advisory business. A strong CTA can turn your website traffic into leads and clients, and often times simply tweaking the language that you use on your CTA can make a world of difference.

When it comes to a strong CTA, they should:

  • Discuss the benefits to the user
  • Be Straightforward
  • Be Located in an Easy to Find Spot
  • Visually catch the eye and make your reader want to take action
  • Use action-oriented vers
  • Be large enough to see without being distracting

Twenty Over Ten client, Juncture Wealth Strategies uses strong calls to action on their website, with the straightforward wording, “Uncover Our Difference.” It’s short and sweet and direct, but it doesn’t use a common phrase, like “Find Out More,” but rather tweaks it to make it their own. It entices readers to find out why they are different from other firms.

Juncture Wealth Strategies

3. Add Testimonials / Case Studies To Your Site

How often do you go to purchase a product but you check out the reviews to see what people have to say about it? Many Americans do this, and, in fact, 82% of US adults said they sometimes read online reviews while 40% say they do every time. Testimonials and case studies serve as a “review” for your website, which is why including them on your website can be a great way to increase trust and boost your lead generation.

Using case studies can help prospects get a better feel for their own situation, and providing these can show different paths that you could potentially take when working with an advisor based on which ones are the most similar to your own situation.

Case Studies from Retirement Matters

Twenty Over Ten client Retirement Matters does a great job displaying their case studies and have even dedicated an entire section to just that. They provide three different studies for unique situations, and those include:

  • Pre-Retirement
  • Retirement
  • Retired

Each situation is tailored for certain people, but they encompass fairly broad scenarios, making it easy for prospects to choose one that is the most like their situation, so they can begin to plan with advice from the above case studies.

4. Amp Up Your Content Marketing Efforts

Content marketing is obviously crucial to your lead generation, and if what you are doing just isn’t enough, then consider giving your content a boost. I hope that you are blogging by now, as this is a great way to drive traffic to your site, therefore boosting your SEO rankings and online presence. Additionally, if you are blogging consistently, you are also showing that you are a thought-leader in the industry. However, I understand that as a busy financial advisor, it can be difficult to keep up with a blogging schedule, at least consistently. Something, that can really help with this is Content Assist.

With Content Assist, users are able to choose blog posts based on a certain category, load them into their website, and then edit and further optimize the content that best fits their unique niche. You can customize and edit the content in order to add your voice, keywords, and further promote their firm, or you can simply use the content as it is. What’s even better, is that it is available to all of our users for no extra fee, which means you can easily start boosting your content efforts today!

Content Assist

5. Add a Lead Magnet to Your Site

Does your website have a lead magnet? If not, it’s time to add one! Simply put, a lead magnet is some type of incentive or offer that your website offers to your prospects in exchange for their email address, so they can continue to connect with you until you have gone from simply a lead to a client. You may offer some a PDF of a checklist, or maybe they can download an Ebook or a whitepaper. Maybe the content is gated, and if they want to continue reading your blog posts, they simply need to put in their email address. Whatever it may be, it’s a simple tactic that benefits both parties.

Ascension College Planning

Twenty Over Ten Client, Ascension College Planning provides their prospects with a free eBook guide that offers advice for when it comes to paying for you and your family’s college education. You simply have to provide your name, email, phone number and a brief message and you will get your Ebook chock-full of helpful information to assist in your college planning.

6. Use Email

Email marketing is a great way to connect with leads and current clients, and in fact, 77% of U.S. workers prefer to receive communications via email. Email is a great way to provide your leads and clients with useful information they can apply to their own financial journeys, let them know when upcoming webinars or events are, you can send infographics, videos, whatever you think will help them in their own efforts. It’s important to establish a consistent schedule, much like with blogging, and Lead Pilot can really boost your efforts, making this much easier.

When you are using Lead Pilot, you can choose from a robust library with so much editable content to include in your next email or newsletter. You can tailor it to your niche, and this will really help with your marketing efforts and conversions.

email marketing LeadPilot

With Lead Pilot, email campaigns are so easy to create, and you can tailor the content for your audience and modify styling to uniquely match your brand. Additionally, you can:

  • Tailor subject lines, sender names and preview text to help boost engagement
  • Send your email immediately or schedule them for a day and time that works best for you
  • Cater to your readers’ interests with segmentation

Final Thoughts

If you are looking to constantly evolve, then it’s important that you are monitoring and modifying your marketing strategy regularly. It’s similar to updating your website. Even though it may be performing well, your website is not static, and it requires monitoring and updating in order to grow and change as it should, which in turn, can boost your online presence. These tweaks are simple, and shouldn’t take too much time, and by doing them, you are really boosting your marketing efforts, making your website much stronger.


