6 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Career Coach.
There are many reasons why people hire a Career Coach. Many only engage a Career Coach once they are already struggling with an issue or have a problem. When they have reached that point where they feel they need a change or are feeling lost. The point where they no longer know what to do.?Possibly they are not sure what they want to do.
Others employ a career / business coach much earlier than this. A lot of executive level professionals and business owners form long term relationships with a coach they trust. They work with the coach to overcome challenging scenarios and to fast track their Career Development.
And Some may have just been promoted into a new position or are looking to get to the next level.?Possibly they are currently looking for employment unsuccessfully or just want a complete career change.
Whichever might be true in your life there are always several benefits to engaging and hiring a career coach.
1. A Career Coach helps you gain Clarity of what You Want.
Sometimes in life we reach a stage where we are just feeling stuck and just don’t know what to do. We may not be clear on what it is we really want. A Career Coach can help us to find out what is missing in our lives and gain clarity over what it is that we really want.
2. A Career Coach helps you clarify your Goal and Achieve it.
Once you have clarity over what you want you will need to know how you will get there. A career coach will help you to setup achievable goals with a personalized action plan to ensure maximum success.
3. A Career Coach keeps you Motivated and Accountable.
All too often we create our Goal Plans, and we know the actions that we will take but we never follow through. We either never take the first step or somewhere along the line our plan is derailed. A Career Coach will be partner with you every step of the way. They will motivate you and help you work through roadblocks and challenges you may come across. Most importantly a good career coach will hold you accountable for doing what you said you would do. A career coach is your biggest advocate and wants you to achieve your outcomes and dreams.
4. A Career Coach is Unbiased.
Occasionally we may find it uncomfortable to discuss the challenges we experience or our goals with our managers or leaders. Possibly our dream excludes the company we are currently working for. We may want to start our own business or move to another company and feel that divulging that information could be detrimental to our current position. Maybe we just don’t want our boss to know that we are having some challenges. Or it could be that we simply want a different perspective. A conversation with a Career Coach is always confidential nonjudgmental and unbiased so you can feel free to be open.
5. Career Coaches are used by Executives and Star Performers.
In the beginning I mentioned that people often engage a career coach only once they have already hit a brick wall. There is no reason to wait for this to happen. Many successful Executives, Business Owners and Star Performers engage a Career Coach regularly and have long term relationships with them. A career coach can help you to properly map out and fast track your career development plan. Ensuring that you are setup for maximum success. Coaching used to be seen as the go to solution for “Problem” performers in organizations. Thankfully this has changed. In a Survey done by Right Management Consultants as far back as 2004 it was highlighted that?86% of organizations?are utilizing professional coaches to sharpen the skills of employees identified as future leaders within their organizations.
6. The Benefits are Long Term.
We all want to get to where we want to go as quickly and painlessly as possible and of course a higher salary doesn’t hurt either. Of the many statistics that are available that show the benefits of engaging with a career coach the ones that stand out are:
Other Benefits include:
And the List goes on……
Whether you are looking to get up onto the next rung of the ladder, have just landed a promotion, wanting a complete career makeover, to start your own business or are looking to reenter the working world. A career coach may be the answer that you have been looking for.
I hope you have found this article useful.
Until Next Time,
For more articles please Visit the ReAmbition Coaching Page?here.