6 Reasons, Why Automotive OEMs Should Own Warranty Management System?

6 Reasons, Why Automotive OEMs Should Own Warranty Management System?

In automotive and other spare parts manufacturing units, OEMs often struggle with a warranty of spare parts. Their traditional process is not efficient enough in this era of digital technology. As they are growing more and more, the warranty is becoming a major headache for them. All that they need is automated warranty claim management software to manage warranty digitally.

 Tracking spare part warranty throughout the life cycle of a part and managing warranty claims is one of the most important features of an automated warranty system. On-boarding this software is every pennyworth. Have a look at few more reasons to own digital warranty management software:

1- A Warranty System Is Necessary For OEMs To Grow Rapidly

 Generally, people don’t buy clothes for their children in advance as they are in a growing phase. Same way OEMs could be steadily growing on their way, but here the case is reversed and they need an automated solution like warranty claim management to compete in this modern world and stay ahead with competition.

2- Cloud-Based Solution Will Enable OEMs To Sync Data With Other Software

OEMs are stuck with spreadsheets in making data entry and constantly share that data with the department internally. This is a long and hard task to collect data and keep it safe on paper-based files. In simple words, OEMs and authorized dealers spend their previous working on just making data entry. But with cloud-based warranty claim management software, OEMs can make data entry directly on the portal from any location and can share it online directly.

 3- Real-time Data Availability

Having real-time information can be beneficial for OEM. This will enable them to make better decisions as per market data and provide services according to that. More work can be performed through this automated channel: 

  • Extended Warranty 
  • RMA

4- Automated Claim Processing

 To provide satisfactory services, retain customers, and save revenue loss, OEMs should have this automated claim management process on board. This will keep track of the entire life cycle of spare parts and at the time of claim processing, it will be easy for OEMs to validate the claim.

 5- Manage Spare Parts Warranty On The Go

 With warranty claim management software on board, it doesn’t matter if the person is working from home or office, they can manage the warranty from any location. All they need is a mobile or laptop and a working internet connection. This platform also lets OEMs and dealers receive notifications for every task done on the portal and much more.

6- Digital Quality Control

For OEMs, it’s important to ensure that all their products look great and are working well. With warranty management software, it will easy for employees to do a quick check on products in inventory and in stock.

If you have got proper understanding of the software, feel free to ask for a free demo or you can also ask if you still have any query. Connect with team Intellinet at www.intellinetsystem.com


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