6 Reasons To Stay Clear Of Freelancing

6 Reasons To Stay Clear Of Freelancing

Is that entrepreneurial bug nagging you? Tell it to bugger off!

Its that time of the year again when family, festivals, and excessive time in reflection bring many of us to challenge ourselves by making next-year promises that most of us have no business making. Its normal! We live in a society that promotes individualism which influences the perspective of ourselves and our achievements often leading us to feel as if we are lacking something instead of expressing gratitude for what we have.

Without sourcing any credible journal, it would be safe to say that a large percentage of people all over the globe are unhappy with their day jobs. It seems that this has been the case for many years and probably always will be.

In the shadow of the depression that many find themselves in while waiting for their professional situation to change lies the dream of being an entrepreneur. Work your own hours and not have to answer anybody which includes your annoying boss who has been on your nerves for years. Who isn't attracted by this?

As the year comes to a close, the dream of opening up your own business resurfaces right in the time when many are speaking about making some heavy-duty life-changing new years resolutions.

If you find yourself in this dilemma and have never worked for yourself, we offer these six reasons why you may want to rethink making the leap. If at the end your are still convinced that entrepreneurship is for you, call us, we can help!

Andrew Lenti?| CEO at?TOPP Tactical Intelligence Ltd



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6 Reasons To Stay Clear Of A Career In Freelance Consulting

Do you have the stomach to work as a freelancer or entrepreneur? Do you have the concentration and enough time to make sure you don't subject yourself to burnout? Ask yourself these six questions to get good idea

  1. Am I good at negotiating contracts??As a business owner you will be responsible to agree a price on what you charge and what you will pay for services. Your vendors and staff will always want prices raised and your clients will always want more discounts. Be ready to stand your ground and don't let your guard down!
  2. Do I have patience waiting for overdue payments??Most business owners are unsatisfied with the responsiveness from their clients when waiting for overdue payments and signatures needed to proceed with agreed projects. Working in a virtual setting makes it even worse as your clients may often forget about you requiring you to learn how to chase efficiently and with tact. You will need thick skin, perseverance & a cool head
  3. What is my appetite for R&D??To expand your skill sets, offering and business network requires constant self enrichment for survival. Can you dedicate at least 1 hour a day to focus on R&D efforts to stay updated in market and technology trends? Be honest with yourself on this one and don't confuse scrolling social media feeds with genuine, deep-flow R&D!
  4. How sharp is my focus??You will need to set boundaries on when to work and when to rest and not bring your problems to your friends and family in the off hours. Furthermore you will need to be able to single-task and tune-out noise in stressful moments to deliver high quality work. The bigger your business gets, the more you will be cluttered with thoughts of open issues, ideas for improvement or that big pitch next week. All of this in the midst of a constant inbound flow of phone calls, pop-up-on-screen adverts and e-mails from vendors who want to sell you the answer to all your prayers and will do anything to get your attention.
  5. Do I have the cash reserves to support long periods of time of unexpected expenses and lower-than-expected income??Unfortunately, more often than not, your forecasted monthly expenses will fall short of the actual.
  6. Am I underestimating the social value of being an employee??To truly understand the loneliness of entrepreneurialism one has to live the experience. The days of going to lunch to laugh (or cry) with a trusted colleague are behind you.


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