6 powerful trading strategies
what cryptocurrency trading strategies should you use?
?There’s a myriad of strategies to trade cryptocurrencies but here are six basic trading strategies for traders with any level of experience:
Strategy #1: Trading moving average crossovers. This is a simple and powerful trend trading strategy. Find a trend and ride it for big gains. Moving averages are used to spot trends.
?Strategy #2: Pullback in Uptrend. This is another trend following strategy. Pullbacks can often provide opportunities to jump on an established trend.
?Strategy #3: Momentum & Uptrend. Another trend following strategy, that looks for altcoins in a long-term uptrend and a recent bullish momentum upswing.
?Strategy #4: Range trading. Range-bound trading is a swing trading strategy that seeks to identify and capitalize on altcoins trading in price channels.
?Strategy #5: Trading key levels. Trading around Support and Resistance levels is a foundational strategy that can be integrated into many others.
?Strategy #6: Chart pattern trading. There's common chart patterns that you can easily leverage for trading. It even indicates expected price path and target.
These six trading strategies are ready for use on altFINS platform, which is a unique screening and analysis tool for active traders looking for trading ideas.?