6 Powerful Tips to be Happy (Again)

6 Powerful Tips to be Happy (Again)

6 Powerful Tips to be Happy (Again)

Life excels at throwing us curveballs. There is little question that even when we strive to avoid these curveballs, we get smacked with even greater ones. You deserve to be happy no matter what life throws at you, no matter where you are, who you are with, or even if you are alone.?Here are the six most effective strategies to regaining your happiness.?

1.?????Forgive and Forget:

To be happy again, you must be willing to recognize that something or someone from your past may be one of the key reasons you are no longer or cannot be happy. You can skip to point number two if you believe the past has nothing to do with your current state of dissatisfaction. However, keep in mind that prior experiences or persons may have had an effect on us that is still lingering in our subconscious.

It is important to be willing to let the past go if you want to be happy again. Or are you willing to trade your happiness for something or someone that no longer matters in your life? Do you want to move forward or not? Always recognize that those past experiences need to be left where they belong. In the past. Nothing can be done to change them.

You need to stop regretting your past actions. “if I was there, this would not have happened to her/him”, “I wish I never took him/her back in the first place”, “I should have listened to my parents. If I did, this / that wouldn’t have happened”, “I shouldn’t have cheated him/her”, “I should have been honest from the start”. Etc.

It is over. It is passed, for God knows how many years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds. If it is a situation that recently happened and you knew that nothing could be done to change the outcome, please do yourself a favor and move on. Forgive yourself, forgive others, forget the situation, and move forward. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have peace of mind. Do not let anyone or anything take that away from you. Periodtt!!!

Listen; “You can never be happy if you keep holding on to a Negative past”. It will always draw you backward.

2.?????Accept Yourself:

You can never be happy if you do not accept yourself wholly. You need to accept You. Your identity, flaws, physical looks (including skin color, eye color, size and shape of each body part, etc.), preferences, personality traits, temperaments, body odor, etc.?

If you do not learn to accept yourself for who you are wholly, it becomes difficult for people to accept you or for you to make any productive changes to attain self-growth. This could also make you feel like others do not like you (for which you may find difficulty in pointing out a reason for their negative energy) but this may be as a result of the vibe you give off. The vibe of “I don’t think I like myself so don’t like me either”. This may contribute significantly to more personal insecurities which may also indirectly push people away.

You need to learn how to accept yourself wholly. When you are able to do this, no one on this planet earth, below and above it can define you or make you feel insecure about any of your flaws or talents to bring down your confidence or self-esteem. All they can do is try, which of course, you and I know they will fail miserably if you don't let them.

Have you witnessed any instance where a group of people laughed or mocked someone but surprisingly, their victim accepts whatever reasons or flaws projected on them without denying it? After a minute of mockery. Doesn't the laughter die off? Well, it is almost as similar to accepting oneself, their flaws, as well as the blessings or curses that come with it.

It is without a doubt that on the second or third occasion, they would hesitate in trying to humiliate their victim again. That is how it works. Accepting yourself may even be the only situation to regaining your respect from others and becoming happy again, depending on your situation or cause of unhappiness or insecurity.

3.?????Believe in yourself:

You need to believe in yourself if you want to be happy again. Trust should be the word.?You should "Trust in You". You should believe in your skills, abilities, goals, and dreams. You should build, grow and believe in your confidence and self-esteem. You do not need people to believe in you before you can believe in yourself. In fact, relying on that will bring down your self-confidence and self-esteem. It can also be detrimental to setting and achieving your goals.

You need to play deaf and dumb to negative feedback in the quest of accomplishing your goals and ambitions especially if such feedback seems suspicious of envy or jealousy (negative aura).

If you want to be happy, you need to learn to make your own decisions without having to rely on people, especially if most of the decisions they took on your behalf gave your life a wrong turn in many instances. It is also totally okay if you need some guidance or advice when taking decisions on the various aspects of your life. But make sure you seek that from the right people. (Those you know who only want the best for you and have your best interest at heart.)

Always believe that You can. Always tell yourself; “I Can”. Believe in your potential, skills, abilities strengths, and push on. Don’t give anyone the room to doubt your abilities, potential, or skills. Many people will try to create room for others to devalue you because they can never; possess the value you inhibit no matter how hard they try.

Sometimes, it is not necessary to prove anything to anyone, but sometimes, it is more than necessary”.

Create your future. Set your ambitions and goals. Nothing should ever discourage you from setting your ambitions and goals, no matter how hard life may seem. Setting a dream is paramount to becoming happy. It helps you to identify and rediscover your purpose. It gives you a direction in navigating your existence on mother earth. It is very important that the goals you set, align with your purpose and passion otherwise, accomplishing them may be difficult or discourage you quickly and easily.

Never set goals or ambitions based on what attracts more money or what’s more popular. If you seek to purely pursue money and fame for its benefits and perhaps not for the genuine passion of it (if it does not align with your passion), in the long run, you will begin to feel unfulfilled and wanting.

Believing in yourself builds your self-confidence and self-esteem. This also portrays a “charismatic aura”. it is easy to notice a person’s confidence on the first impression. It makes it hard to intimidate or embarrass such people because they always appear to have it all together when in actual fact, they don't.

If you want to be happy, you need to learn how to build your self-confidence and self-esteem. It also has a subconscious effect on your mindset which influences your emotions and helps you manage your emotions effectively and this is tantamount to boosting your happiness and your productivity.

4.?????Love Yourself:

Loving yourself and showing love to yourself is paramount to becoming happy again. You need to know how to love yourself and show love to yourself at every given point in your life. Loving yourself or showing love to yourself does not only entail buying yourself nice clothes, shoes, bags, flowers, and chocolate or taking yourself to nice places. It also characterizes maintaining good hygiene, having good rest, preventing stress or managing stress effectively, and taking good care of your health by visiting the doctor every six (6) months, visiting the gym, doing some good yoga stretches, or even having your meditation.

It is important to always let yourself off-steam regularly. Not occasionally or once in a while but regularly. Having a stress-free mind and body influences your mood. If you need to shed some weight because you do not feel good, then do. Believe in yourself, set goals, plan, and work towards them. With confidence and without losing your self-esteem.

If you are quite plump and need to visit the gym while all those perfectly shaped men/women are bouncing some apple bums and flexing some packs, PLEASE DO!

Yeah. Give them something to be distracted about while you stay focused. If they are really focused, they wouldn’t stare much or laugh. That should not be something that prevents you from going to the gym. If you can’t work out on your own and you can’t afford a personal trainer and you need to go to the gym, then GO!?

That being said;


Rest when you need to. Don’t overstress your body or mind. Sleep if you need to, meditate if you need to, take a hot shower if you need to, get a massage if you need to, and listen to music if you need to.

You can never be as productive as you want if you are constantly stressed”

Take the necessary vitamins, drink lots of water, eat healthy, and opt for home-cooked meals to fast / street food. Always be aware of what you take into your body system. It is amazing how food can affect your mood.

So, do what makes you happy, taking into consideration your health (physical and mental health).

5.?????Protect Yourself:

Asides from gaining overall protection from God (if you are Christian), you need to learn to protect yourself. It involves protecting your peace (your mental health), your values, your reputation, your dreams, your happiness, and what you want to achieve. To be happy again, you need to set a lot of boundaries in life. Especially between people and your goals.

Set boundaries between people and your goals, before setting boundaries between you (as a person) and people”

Don’t let people come between you and your goals. Yes, it is almost natural for them to interfere with the various aspects of your life. You can not prevent it but you can regulate it by setting boundaries.

Make good decisions. Don’t compromise your goals. People come and go easily. Success doesn’t. Be willing to walk away from toxic people, situations, or bad relationships. Learn how to bounce off negative energies when toxic people exude them on you. These energies when absorbed can affect our mood and energies negatively. They also taint our subconscious and can ruin our emotions for extended periods. That is why it is critical to instantly dismiss unpleasant comments or statements made by toxic or negative people.

Don’t allow people to overuse you. Whether at work, in a relationship, or even with peers, families, or friends.

Stop when you need to”

Set boundaries to protect yourself. Devise all the necessary means required to protect your inner peace, your reputation, values, dreams, and ambitions as well as your sanity.

Say this Out loud:

“I own MY body”
“I own MY money”
“I own MY goals”
“I own MY mind”
“I own MY happiness”
“I own MY emotions”
“I own MY talents”
“I own MY sanity”

6.?????Engage Yourself:

Run away from boredom and idleness. Run away from being purposeless. Even if you are not sure about the goals and ambitions you look forward to accomplishing in life, make sure that you at least engage in productive activities. It is okay to be confused about what you want to accomplish in life. But its not okay to do nothing about it.

It takes most people a lot of time to finally define their purpose or set goals. In the meantime, get busy. But do not engage yourself with activities that do not interest you in one way or the other. Engaging yourself keeps you busy and distracted from using your time to accommodate self-pity or entertain unproductive thoughts or imaginations and even unproductive people.

Most crucially, engage in activities?that impact your mood or make you happy.

In Conclusion:

To be happy or regain your happiness, you need to forget the past, accept yourself for who you are, believe in yourself and your abilities, love yourself, protect yourself and engage yourself by doing the things you love to do.

Bonus Tip:

“Add value and adventure to your every day.”

Written By: Precious Nwachukwu

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Diana Nkunu

EPL Ghana Fellow|| Writer and Editor || Alumni (MCF-KNUST) || Youth Advocate|| Educationist|| Healthy Living Influencer||

2 年

Amazing write-up Precious ???. Thank you so much for sharing this with us ??


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