6 Neural Functions & Product Design
Yogesh Waykole
Vice President @ Barclays | Data Architecture, Analytics and Decision Science
Cognitive science plays very important role while designing the product. General definition, it simply studies thinking, how nervous system exemplifies processes and how brain transforms information which in turns like recognizing objects, using a language, reasoning, and problem solving.
Good product designs are always aligned with neuroscience and we appraise that with good experience. So how do we able to define this good experience? How it comes, Is it singular?
No, “an Experience” – it’s always multifaceted, evaluated outcome of many neural/brain processes, representation and information transformation. It’s not UI or UX or screen in that sense so it’s all neural/brain/mind.
So there are 6 brain functions which plays important role to define this experience-
Attention/ Vision, Perception/Awareness/Actions, Language, Memory, Decision making/ Reasoning, and Emotion
To start with you just simply need to ask few basic questions-
Attention/Vision- What is your first blink telling you? What you see?
Perception/Awareness/Action- Awareness of what to do and where am I?
Language- Are the words familiar to me? Linguistic simplicity? Generally, Known terms or Unknown terms?
Memory – is it same as declarative and procedural forms you are expecting?
Decision making/Reasoning – Which and what are mini decisions/reasoning’s made for reaching this goal?
Emotion – my feelings, fears, frustrations, concerns? Does these emotions influence customer decision?
It’s very interesting study and the amount you go deeper and deeper in neuroscience, you understood in terms of representational structures in the mind and computational procedures that operate on those structures.