6 Need-to-Know Canine Hydrotherapy Research Articles

6 Need-to-Know Canine Hydrotherapy Research Articles

Within the field of Veterinary Rehabilitation we know that our body of good quality research is limited, but growing. When it comes to canine hydrotherapy, the research is even more limited, and growing very slowly. There are few research articles we can cite to the owners of our canine patients, and most convey only the beginning phases of the research. Much needs to be done in each of the areas currently being investigated.

However, we do have some useful research to get us started. Below are five recommended articles that you can reference when chatting to vets and owners about your canine patients, and when making clinical decisions.

  1. Effects of partial immersion in water on vertical ground reaction forces and weight distribution in dogs by David Levine, PhD; Denis J. Marcellin-Little, DEDV; Darryl L. Millis, DVM, MS; Verena Tragauer, Mag Med Vet; Jason A. Osborne, PhD

This well-known paper demonstrates changes in weight-bearing and weight distribution in relation to the height of the water in an underwater treadmill. It demonstrates that when a dog is in a standing position in the underwater treadmill, the ground reaction force decreases by 9% when the water level is at the height of the tarsal joint, by 15% when the water is at the height of the stifle, and by 62% when the water is at the level of the hip joint.

Interestingly, the weight distribution between fore and hind limbs was 64% of the weight on the forelimbs when water levels were at both the height of the tarsus and the height of the stifle, but significantly increased to 71% when water level was at the height of the hip.

  1. The effect of water depth on limb kinematics of the domestic dog during underwater treadmill exercise by F. Barnicoata and A. P. Willsa

Barnicoat et al. performed a kinematic analysis in the underwater treadmill at various water depths to assess the effect of water level on the stride of healthy dogs. They found a significant reduction in duty cycle with increasing water depth. The swing phase and stride length increased as water depth increased, while the stride frequency decreased as the water depth increased.

  1. Kinematic analysis of the hind limb during swimming and walking in healthy dogs and dogs with surgically corrected cranial cruciate ligament rupture by Gregory S. Marsolais, DVM, MS; Scott McLean, PhD; Tim Derrick, PhD; Michael G. Conzemius, DVM, PhD, DACVS

Marsolais et al. determined that for healthy dogs, swimming results in a greater range of motion in the hip joint than walking, but that for CCLR dogs, swimming showed no increase in ROM of the hip joint than walking. In both groups of dogs, swimming produces greater flexion and therefore ROM of the stifle and the tarsal joints. The ROM of the stifle in the surgical dogs was much less than in healthy dogs, in both walking and swimming.

  1. Aquatic treadmill water level influence on pelvic limb kinematics in cranial cruciate ligament-deficient dogs with surgically stabilised stifles by Bertocci, C. Smalley, N. Brown, K. Bialczak and D. Carroll

Bertocci et al. determined that the water level in an underwater treadmill influenced pelvic limb kinematics and temporal gait outcomes. As the water level increases, stifle flexion increases, with the greatest amount of stifle flexion shown when the water was at the level of the stifle and the hip. Hip flexion increased when the water level was at hip height. The stance phase of the stride also decreased when the water level was at the height of the hip.

  1. Effect of water depth on muscle activity of dogs when walking on a water treadmill by S. Parkinson, A.P. Wills, G. Tabor and J.M. Williams

Using surface electromyography on dogs walking on the underwater treadmill, Williams et al. determined that the longissimus dorsi and gluteus medius muscle activation is affected by water depth. As the water depth increased, the average workload of the gluteus medius and the longissimus dorsi decreased.

  1. Physiological effects of water temperatures in swimming toy breed dogs, K. Nganvongpanit, T. Boonchai, O. Taothong and A. Sathanawongs

This study looked at the effect of water temperature on the heart and respiratory rate during swimming, and changes in rectal temperature, blood glucose and blood lactate before and after swimming in 21 small-breed dogs in water temperatures of 25°, 33° and 37°C. The heart rate and respiratory rate were monitored every five minutes during a 20-min swim, while the other parameters were measured before and after swimming. They found the highest respiratory rate in dogs swimming in 25°C water, and the highest heart rate in dogs swimming in 37°C water. Their recommendation to avoid tachycardia, hyperventilation and hyperthermia is to swim dogs in water that is 33°C.

Useful but limited

In each one of these papers, we learn something that has great clinical relevance to us as hydrotherapists. However, all of these studies used very small test groups, statistically limiting the results. And so, while we can take something from each paper, we are sorely in need of more research in the field of canine hydrotherapy.

We need to establish the biomechanical effects of walking and swimming in larger populations of healthy dogs, and across different breeds. We need to establish the effect of hydrotherapy on the spinal motion and the muscle activation and recruitment of different muscle groups. And we need to repeat all of this in patient populations with specific conditions.

Let’s do this, guys. If you have a treadmill and an enquiring mind, let’s generate the research that will develop our field!

Read the original blog and many more on the Onlinepethealth website.


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