6 Most Effective Sitting Arrangements Required for Different Types of Training
Diptarsi Ray
Training Manager - Sales and Behavioural || Photography || Graphical Storytelling
Importance of Training Venue and Sitting Arrangement
Organizers of the training course should visit the proposed venue before training takes place to assess if it is appropriate for this training. The trainer should identify potential sources of distraction in the room, both for himself or the trainees. One should never teach in front of a window, poster or other wall decoration, course participants attention will be diverted away from the trainer. Make sure that all participants will be able to see the blackboard, flip chart, or other instructional aids. Also check that all participants will be able to hear the trainer from the different angles of the room, especially those sitting at the back. In case you are going to use an overhead projector or slides check whether there is electricity. Besides these, check and confirm whether there may be other physical or lighting distractions within the vicinity of the room.
Let’s Know About 6 Most Effective Sitting Arrangements Required for Different Types of Training
1. Rows of Tables and Chairs
Can fit more people into a room and everyone faces the front.
2. Hollow U or U-Type Setup
Trainer can walk amongst participants, and he can eye contact with all participants.
3. Fish Bone or Banquet Style
Participants arranged in groups. Arrangement is easy to use if mixing lectures with buzz sessions and group work. Trainer can walk easily amongst groups, and he can eye contact with all participants.
4. Conference Table
Large proportion of participants have eye contact with each other, large table useful for plenary group discussions.
5. Circle or Semi- Circle of Chairs
People can relax and interact well. In this setup participants can adopt open poses. No natural top position for trainer, so very egalitarian. For the trainer it’s easy to move into various exercises and games.
6. Table Trios
As banquet style- with tables pointed towards the front, the trios are all close together, so better than banquet for group work.
Please share your views which set up suits you best !!!