The 6 Most Common Reasons Why Recruiting Is Difficult and What to Do About It
Recruiting great talent is tough. Even if you have the perfect job and your company seems like an obvious fit, convincing the right people to join you can be difficult. And that’s because the hiring landscape is constantly evolving and becoming more competitive for top talent. In fact, according to LinkedIn research, “the demand for skilled workers has outpaced supply in almost every industry,” which makes recruiting even harder than before. If you find it difficult to hire new team members at your company, you’re not alone. Most businesses struggle with recruiting new employees at some point or another. Because of this, we’ve put together a list of the six most common reasons why recruiting is difficult and what you can do about it.
The Talent Pool Is Drying Up
The top reason why many companies have difficulty recruiting new employees is that the talent pool is drying up. The pool of candidates means the number of people who are actively looking for work and qualified to do the job you’re hiring for. If the talent pool is small, companies will have a hard time finding the right people. What you can do about it: One thing you can do to combat this is to expand your recruiting efforts. Instead of just focusing on your local area, broaden your search and look for talent from other parts of the country or even other countries. This can help you find the right people. It’s also important to think about different ways to source candidates. While you can search traditional job boards to find people, you can also try diversifying your sourcing methods. Consider attending industry conferences, partnering with schools to help them find their next generation of leaders, or hosting your own recruiting event.
Finding The Right People Is Hard
Another reason why recruiting is difficult is because finding the right people is hard. We’re all familiar with the process of hiring new employees. You’ve likely created job postings, scoured online boards, and met with a few candidates in-person to find the right people to hire. And while you may have found the right person, you may not have found the best person. What you can do about it: One way to combat this is by hiring the right talent ecosystems. When you work with a specialized talent acquisition partner, they can help you find the right people by creating a data-driven hiring process. This allows you to better understand your ideal candidate and source people who are a good fit for your company. You should also make sure you have the right hiring processes in place. This can help you better find the right people for your company.
It’s Getting More expensive To Hire
Another reason why recruiting is difficult is because it’s getting more expensive to hire. While the cost to hire new employees has increased over the years, it has skyrocketed in recent years. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, the cost to hire new employees has grown by 34% since 2009. And there’s no indication that hiring costs will slow down anytime soon. What you can do about it: While you can’t control the cost to hire new employees, you can do your best to keep those costs under control. One way to do this is by creating a strong hiring plan. A hiring plan will help you define your hiring needs, sets expectations for the hiring process, and helps you set hiring goals. Another way to keep hiring costs under control is by utilizing hiring hackathons. Hackathons are events where business leaders, hiring managers, and HR professionals come together to solve their hiring issues in a creative and collaborative way.
You Haven’t Built a Recruiting Brand
Another reason why recruiting is difficult is because you haven’t built a recruiting brand. A recruiting brand is a set of values, traits, and characteristics that your company is associated with. It’s basically your company’s reputation when it comes to recruiting new employees. What you can do about it: If you haven’t built a recruiting brand, your company may be seen as a difficult employer to work for. This could make it more difficult to find the right people to join your company. To combat this, you should work on creating your company’s recruiting brand. One way to do this is by creating a recruiting mission statement. A recruiting mission statement is a sentence that sums up the core of who you are as a company when it comes to recruiting new employees.
People Are Hesitant To Change Jobs
Another reason why recruiting is difficult is because people are hesitant to change jobs. While the number of people who change jobs has been growing year over year, the number of people who quit their jobs has been growing even faster. According to Harvard Business Review, the number of people who quit their jobs has been increasing for years. What you can do about it: There are a few things you can do to combat this. First, you can make sure that your company has a great culture. This will help you get the word out about the amazing benefits of working at your company. An attractive benefits package is one way to help people be more willing to change jobs. Second, you can use social recruiting. Social recruiting is the act of finding and hiring new employees through social media. Most companies use platforms like LinkedIn when hiring new employees, but you can also use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and more.
The hiring landscape is constantly evolving and becoming more competitive for top talent. And while this is good for job seekers, it can make it difficult for businesses to find the right people to hire. This can be especially true if you don’t know why recruiting is difficult or what to do about it. If any of these reasons sound like your recruiting situation, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to make recruiting easier and more effective. Start by searching for candidates in new ways, building your recruiting brand, and creating a strong hiring plan.