6 Months To Live
Steve Powell
"High+ Accountability" Business & Leadership Coach ?? ??, Public Speaker ?? (??)
OK, so hopefully this week's title got your attention. And no, I don't have 6 months to live, thankfully. But recently I have had family and friends to lose loved ones. Anytime someone we know dies, it should cause us to pause and assess. Assess where we're heading...what's important in life...what we should devote more time to. None of us is promised to live through today, or to have a tomorrow. So why don't we live each day like we only have 6 months...heck, 6 days, to live.
As I think about goal-setting, and as John Maxwell calls it - "goal-GETTING", I find myself setting and working toward more "significant" goals. Goals that involve others, like my family and friends.
So, this week, let's do the "If I Had 6 Months to Live" Goal-Getting exercise. Find a sheet of paper and something to write with. Find a quiet spot and a favorite beverage, and write down everything you would do if you had six months to live. Really brainstorm...think deep. What I've found in doing this exercise multiple times is that it brings the truly important into focus. It instantly prioritizes your life. What we thought was critical to accomplish now can wait, while we concentrate on this new list.
So, what did you list? Are you going to connect with old friends? Apologize to a family member for an old wrong? Give more money to causes you believe in? Pray more? Spend more time with your family? Write that book? Visit your parents?
Share in the Comments, if you'd like, what you now aspire to do SOON. We probably have longer than 6 months to live, but that doesn't mean you should wait to knock out your list of things that, I expect, are pretty important, meaningful, life-changing even. So start now in checking things off your list!