6 lessons the past 6 months have reminded me of... (part 2 out of 5)

Lesson #3: The power of 1%

Disclaimer: I highly suggest you start here (part 1 of this article series). But you can as well finish reading this one first. They are independent but inter-related contents, so reading the whole series will give a better picture. Enjoy!

Have you noticed that 15 minutes is roughly 1% of a day/ 24 hours?

Or that 1% of 25 years equals a quarter/ trimester/ 3 months/ 90 days?

Or even better, are you aware that less than 1% of the people on this planet are probably directing your life (if you are in the rest 99%)? And no, I'm not talking about the billionaires whose new toys are spaceships or the neo millionaires who are excited to join the Forbes List. I'm not talking about who the media tell you to be the owners of 66% of wealth/ networth. Have you ever looked beyond?

If you prefer to go deeper, are you also aware that less than 1% of all this universe is actually normal matter? (what can be observed by our five senses or by our man-made machines)... The other?99.99999% modern western science knows absolutely nothing about it, just speculations based on observations of its effect.

So, What is the point of these questions? 4?insights to consider

3.1. What are you doing the next 15 minutes?

By examining or meditating on the deep meaning of these facts, you may become aware that every 15 minutes you spend breathing on this earth is either 1% of your God-given 24 hours of that day invested to create a beneficial activity + outcome or thrown away into some most often trivial culturally-programmed routine to keep human beings busy + quiet, and avoid them from doing things the Ceasars-fans of the 21st century don't want them to experience.?

Every quarter of an hour either contributes to enhance your soul's and other souls wellbeing, or promote your mutual peace of mind or joy.

It ideally increases the emotions of love and compassion in your respective experiences, or elevate the bliss or ecstasy in how you both experience this life.?

And as a bonus, it would ideally either enhance your mutual physical health or conscious 5 senses pleasures, or success in our work or more abundance manfested

The best time/energy/life investment would be one where all of these come together like in a symphony. That's usually when we just don't have words to describe such an experience. It's a moment of pure alignment with your soul that is priceless. I'm not talking about a short term dopamine release here, not a 5 minute relief after a compulsive 5 sense pleasure to make you forget how chaotic is the rest of your life. I'm talking about experiencing heaven on earth at the deepest of your core.

A good way to have clarity of mind is to take a larger perspective.

3.2. What are your milestones in this last quarter of 2021??

Though modern science has allowed us to live longer biologically - and virtually forever with latest technologies -, human lifespan is relatively brief (Ever had such a meaningful discussion with a senior? I personaly do, every time I get a chance to: full of insights)

3 months, 90 days equals to 1% of the next 25 years of your life. First, what do you want your life and the lives of your loved ones to look like by then? Is it worth a 1-5 years focused investment to live 20 years of more relaxed experience on this planet?

I often remember a famous audio "The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale which is the first thing I share with my clients in our "28 days quantum growth challenge". In 2019, upon a mentor's recommendation, I listened to that audio every single day upon waking up. And here is one of the key brain-tattoos I got from it: "Out of 100 65-year-old in the world, only 1 is really living the life of absolute freedom" (Think of someone like sir Richard Branson)

In 25 years, I will be in my early fifties, so while I grew more mindful to enjoy every second of the journey as being part of this big cosmic joke called life, I do remember as well that every quarter counts as an investment towards that.

How about you? Where do you want to be in 25 years? And what are you dedicating this last 1% of 2021 to do in order to advance towards that?

And again, include all aspects of your life: not just financially or materially which are key, but also mentally/ intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, family wise, social connections, career, lifestyle and impact to contribute to a better world.

However, it would be interesting to know in which world you're going to do all of these, isn't it?

3.3. You are either in/ with the 1% or in the 99% in the system, or you take the alternative path

This might shock some. Many won't believe it. Few are aware. But here is reality you will learn for yourself if you stay still long enough to observe humanity, I mean really observe society...?

Less than 1% of humanity are people not seen on tv or traditional media, you don't know them unless you really search, we might probably never know their names. They are what I call "the Ceasars fans" of the 21st century (just that in comparison to their predecessors of the roman era, today's "Ceasars fans" don't care about you knowing them. They don't care about being celebrities. They are the ones making or breaking celebrities, political leaders/ groups/ territories, financial giants, social institutions of all kinds, etc. Whether you are happy about it or not, it is what it is.

But I already said enough, just make your own query. However, remember a wise Man's words from 2000 years ago: "To Ceasar what is his, to God what is His" and if you see what the global movement this wise Man has created until today, you will probably understand why he didn't care much about playing big heads roles in Ceasar-like social systems, though that was what his 99% contemporaries were expecting of him.

In conclusion, what is the power of 1%?

In my current point of view, It's taking your true power back. Not the physical society-given ones, but the ones at the core of your soul: your natural humen endowments.?

It's becoming fully aware of who you are and why you are here to start with. Not intellectually, but experienctially.

It's decoding messages from your Creator (whatever or whoever you believe it is), and creating your own meaning of what happiness means for you, on this tiny planet revolving aroung one of the billions of stars of the modern-science-known universe.?

And whatever meaning it is, own it, and enjoy every bit of this few decades long journey!

See you in upcoming posts for the rest of the lessons.

Until then, Stay blessed!

P.S. You might want to read the introductory part 1 of this 5 article series about 6 key lessons Life reminds us all, which I was fortunate to remember in the past 6 months.

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B. G. C. Raphael SABIDARE, SHRM-CP?的更多文章

