6 Lessons I Learned From Writing And Publishing 30 Atomic Essays In 30 Days Online
Ethan Musolini
CEO Success Africa, Executive Coach, HR Consultant, Author & Motivational Speaker
Here are six lessons I learned from writing 30 atomic essays in 30 days (since 6th May 2024) with consistency after enrolling in the ship 30 for 30 program.
Public Announcement
I made an announcement that I was going to write daily for the next 30 days. This was a social contract. This compelled me to write because I imagined people were waiting for my content.
Early morning rather than evening
I discovered that it was easier to write very early in the morning and a struggle later in the afternoon or evening. Why? Little or no distractions in the morning and the opposite later.
Data and feedback
Inside the program, I learned that you get quick feedback by posting content on platforms like LinkedIn and twitter unlike a personal blog. Big eye opener.
The endorphins of achievement
I always felt good after writing and publishing my article. Endorphins of achievement. The feel-good factor after accomplishing something is worth the effort in itself.
Completion vs perfection
A friend kept highlighting some things to edit after publishing which I duly corrected. Very helpful and I was thankful. I noticed that if I was to focus on perfection, I wouldn’t publish daily but most likely weekly. Lesson? Prioritize completion over perfection.
Topics of interest I chose to focus on public speaking, executive communication and life/career development (self-improvement). These are topics I love. Topics of interest kept me motivated to keep going. You can check out the articles on the following platforms… (Linkedin and X platforms have some articles but Typeshare has everything)
https://typeshare.co/ethanmusolini (all the 30 articles are on this social blog)
Now I Am thinking about bigger writing goals. Thank you, God!