6 Leadership Traits: Design A Better Future
There are all types of leaders who possess different leadership styles and tactics. Some are more appropriate given the situation while others not so much. Here are 6 traits I have seen exemplified from leaders who make great cultures all while building a lasting legacy:
1.) Empathetic - they understand an employee is more than one label - they are brothers, sisters, fathers, husbands, mothers, daughters, etc.
2.) Focused?-they make the main thing, the main thing and don’t get distracted at shiny new opportunities?
3.) Health conscious - they make health their number 1 priority because they know in order to show up entirely, their health must be in check
4.) Put people in positions to succeed - they understand they can’t do everything on their own so they properly delegate and empower others to lead. Furthermore, they give ALL the recognition to others when a job is done well
5.) Take accountability and ownership - whenever the team falls short, they bare responsibility on how they can help the team get better in the future, and don't tolerate finger pointing. They are the ultimate orchestrators of what happens even in situations that happen outside of their immediate control
6.) Vulnerable - they own their mistakes and share those thoughtfully. They recognize everyday is not going to go as planned. This creates a sense of trust. We aren’t all robots walking around (at least not yet).
In conclusion, being a leader is tough, but some days can be made easier when making the 6 traits instinctual habits. And lastly as a bonus, a rememberable leader will adapt in real-time and face change head on. If you’re resilient, patient, and calm, the tough days are manageable. Sometimes, all you need is perspective.
Get started today on your journey and create a better future for yourself and those around you!