6 Habits of Truly Effective People

6 Habits of Truly Effective People

The Six Habits of Truly Effective people as per my research and experience are:

  2. Constant Time Discipline
  3. Laser Sharp Prioritizing
  4. Knowing and Working on Your Strengths.
  5. Being Result-oriented
  6. Pursuing Excellence In Decision Making.

1. Integrity

An effective person always endeavors to honour his word. Once he gives his word, he is committed to keeping his word. This means he does whatever he promised to do, at the time he promised. Integrity also means that in case he is not able to keep up his word, he owns up the responsibility to face the consequences without giving reasons and justifications. He also communicates to all concerned about his inability to keep the word with a re-promise as to when he would do what he promised to do.

?Also in Integrity he always has an Empowering Context towards life which means he always views every situation of life from a viewpoint of possibility thinking or what is good and positive in a given situation. As a consequence, he is always filled with Positive, Constructive, and Progressive energy.

2. Time Discipline

Time is that unique resource which is irreplaceable, once spent cannot be retrieved. Also our life is nothing but a congregation of time. The first misunderstanding that needs to be cleared is the fact that you cannot manage time as time is ever moving and passing and waits for no one. One cannot hold, stop, and store time. Time once spent is spent for ever. Time spent is actually Life spent. The First understanding one needs to get is that your need to manage, yourself vis-a-vis time. For that firstly one needs self audit and know how we are going to spend this precious resource ‘time’ now. How much of it is in line with our life objectives and goal? How much of our time is going towards non-productive endeavours.

Awareness is always the first step in bringing about positive change in any sphere of life. From ‘Awareness’ follows ‘Understanding’ and from that we can ‘Recondition’ our actions towards the Desired directions. Self time audit would give us access to the non- productive usage of time wherein we can give up unproductive work and replace it by more productive use of time.

3. Laser Sharp Prioritizing

There is a Potent saying: “Focus on the vital few instead of the trivial many. The famous Pareto’s 80-20 principles rightly states that 80% of the results are caused by the 20% of the causes or efforts. We need to constantly work on our ability to be able to know our priority tasks in relation to goals and focus on the same to get the optimum results.

?Many a time it is seen that during the Planning phase we do enlist the priority tasks but during the course of the day one gets distracted and loses the focus. This leads to non-optimum results. We need to constantly remind ourselves that “Where the Focus goes, Energy flows and the results manifest.”

4. Knowing and Working on Strengths

Each individual is unique, able, capable and a force to reckon with. Each of us has been blessed with certain unique qualities, natural talents. We need to know about them, acknowledge and appreciate the same. Also we need to keep on working on those abilities to produce the desired results. It is a proven fact that if you concentrate on your unique talent you are able to touch excellence very easily.

?Also there are areas in which you do not have talent. Such areas one should delegate to persons who have talent. In this way one can optimize one’s opportunities, resources and talents. Also one’s endeavor should be to keep on strengthening one’s strength and weaken one’s weaknesses. This is a sure shot way of emerging winner in any circumstances.

5. Being Result Oriented

Even though in the larger spiritual viewpoint everything is a game and we are playing different roles with no real significance. Nevertheless to make the game interesting we do have to have definite goals with predetermined Milestones and targets. As a consequence every player should be totally involved and give one’s 100%. Also one has to periodically keep on reviewing as to what results have been accomplished. We need to keep on reviewing whether our actions are producing the desired outcome or not.

?In the periodical revision one needs to do course correction of one’s action to achieve the desired results. It is the desired results which gives us entitlement to rewards. We need to constantly keep ourselves away from the trap of giving reasons. As productivity experts rightly say in life you either have Reasons or Results, the choice is ours.

6. Pursuing Excellence in Decision-Making

It is said that wherever you are in life is the consequence of the decisions you have taken in the past. Decision-making is an ability which like any other skill is learnable. There is a science and an art to this skill. The scientific steps of decision-making are:

a) First know what is the situation, challenge or problem.

b) What are the causes for the situation, challenges and problems.

c) Collect maximum information about the situation.

d) Analyze and find out the various alternatives.

e) Choose the best alternative.

f) After that, Act on the chosen alternative with full passion to get the desired result.

?The above scientific step needs to be followed in a disciplined fashion over and over again in various situations till you attain proficiency and mastery over the whole process. Also it has to be realized that while taking decision dealing with Human beings, it can not only be on the basis of cut and dry facts.

?The human element of emotions, feelings needs to be considered and kept in mind.

Article by: Dr. Arunagiri Mudaliar

Author | World-class Trainer | International Sportsman | Successful Industrialist

ww.arunagiri.co.in | fb.com/authorarunagiri | twitter.com/authorarunagiri | youtube.com/arunaagirimudaaliar | instagram.com/arunaagiri | pinterest.com/authorarunagiri | linkedin.com/in/authorarunagiri

Mathu Kuppuswamy

Head customer services at Lakshmi Machine Works Ltd - Machine Tool division

2 年




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