6 figures in 12 months or LESS (the key tactics every entrepreneur should know) as a solofounder.

6 figures in 12 months or LESS (the key tactics every entrepreneur should know) as a solofounder.

Have you ever been told, “good things, come to those who wait”?

That’s total BS.

No matter who you are, you’ve got a limited amount of time to get stuff done.

Should you really spend it waiting for the good stuff to happen to you?

No way.

You want big results, and you want them as fast as possible.

That’s why I’m going to show you how to make a 6 figure online business?quickly—the same way I did—using?3 key tactics you can use to get started.

But first, some real data from my own business:?

As a result of this 3 tactic strategy, I’ve managed to bring in more than £100,000 of revenue less than a year after releasing my first online business and living in different parts of the world.

If you want to find out more about me, click here www.jasonallanscott.uk

*for the purpose of transparency, I didn't get it perfect on my first launch with my first course, it took 2 courses and a Masterclass in the end*

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Now that you know that I have done it, let me show you the 3 tactics that?helped me do it:

6-figure online business tactic

#1: Shun PASSIVE income (at first)

Yes, I realize how crazy this sounds. We all want passive income. In fact, it’s probably one of the main reasons to start an online business.

But when you’re building a business from the ground up, sometimes it’s faster to get “active” income first — by personally asking people to buy your product.

What do I mean?

Rather than thinking of your online business like passively fishing — where you set your bait (create a product), cast your line (write an email campaign and some blog posts), and wait for people to buy — go on the prowl.

Remember, I hate waiting.

"Good today is better then perfect tomorrow" is one of my mantras

I’d rather do something —?anything?— to make a sale now than wait for serendipity to take hold.

That’s exactly what I did when I first started offering my online course.

When sales weren’t coming in every day or even every week, I decided to roll up my sleeves and TALK to people about joining my podcast made perfect course.

Whenever someone emailed me with a question or comment, I’d ask them why they hadn’t signed up for my course yet.

Some of them weren’t interested, and that was okay. But many of them just needed a little nudge.

I am not great at advertising but I am phenomenal at sales so leading people to?conversations with me gave me a chance to systematically remove objections in real-time.?

Plus, you’re able to give thoughtful, personalized responses to people.

That’s 10x more persuasive than having them read a sales page.

Look at it like this: If someone signs up for your email list, they must have an interest in what you offer.

And since you know your product can help them, it’s your obligation to challenge them to purchase it.

By the way, this approach takes just 30 minutes a day, and I’ve found it to be totally worth the effort. In fact, to this day with A Podcast Company I still do 30 min calls to see if I can truly help and how best to help.

More happy customers equal more fans spreading the word about your product or service — leading to the passive income you wanted in the first place.

Bottom line:?To earn a lot of money passively, you’ve got to put in the work and hustle to get active income first.

#2: Create Content outside the box

Conventional wisdom says you need to write tons of blog posts, shoot tons of videos and learn the new dance craze to grow your business.

That wasn’t going to work for me.

As I solopreneur and traveler, I didn’t want to spend my time writing LinkedIn articles, making tweets, TikTok, Quote cards, AudioGrams, and the like all day long.

My answer to this problem is simple: “ Waterfall Content Creation.”

Waterfall Content Creation works like a waterfall filling multiple streams and rivers— you get 10x the results in half the time.

What makes Waterfall Content Creation so powerful is you kill ALL THE BIRDS with one stone:

You educate your readers, listeners, and watchers (which is what they come to your blog for) and you also make them want to buy your product.

Best of all, Waterfall Content Creation does this without ever making your audience feel like they’re being sold to.

How do I do it, simple

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You can make multiple pieces of content from one episode, in fact, we have found you can make up to 190 days worth of content from a single podcast episode.

Getting people excited about how quickly they could build an audience, be seen as a thought leader, and get clients to share their pains through a podcast - is one aspect of the success but the fact that all you have to do is show up, ask questions and then pass to a team of experts is how you become a waterfall content creation machine.

Not disimiliar to how Gary Vee does his VaynerTalent process btw

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Bottom line:?Why work your ass off writing a zillion blog posts and pieces of content, when you can create one piece of content through a zoom call and then let someone else make lots of smaller amounts of content that works for you instead?

Bonus:?Outsource and message me, and we will do all your content for you - you just have conversations and we do the rest!

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#3: GET PR

Most people think that getting a story about you (or your business) is only going to work if you are seen on a major news site is:

  • When you could just be a guest on other people's podcasts.
  • And again, use the podcast you were a guest on, to create more content.
  • Unlike regular PR, this is not a long, complicated process

When you think about it, there’s nothing really remarkable about this. You are just going micro, with a niche audience to go macro later in time.

  • Appearing as a guest on another podcast is a great way to grow your own audience.
  • It’s also a highly effective way to promote your products or services.
  • But, just emailing a lot of podcasts and saying “interview me” isn’t going to work.

To do this, you don’t need to mess around with press releases, social campaigns, or other PR wizardry.

Ultimately, what the podcast owner will want to hear, is;

  • What you would like to chat about
  • Why it would be useful and interesting to their audience
  • Credibility – a little about you, and why you’re well-positioned to help
  • The benefits their audience will get from it
  • What keywords or search terms you are targeting, in relation to the episode title
  • The ways you will share the episode to drive traffic to their show

Next up,?instead of reaching out by email, create your proposal in audio, or – even better – video form.

This personalized approach will be much more likely to resonate with the podcaster.?

It shows that you’re not simply copying and pasting the same email to hundreds of other shows. If you send someone a personalized video, the chances are, they’ll watch it.?

They’ll also be able to hear your voice right away, and that you’ve got a good level of audio quality. This, combined with the value you promise to offer their audience, makes it difficult for them to ignore, and easy for them to say “yes”.?

Create your pitch.?

To stand out, you’ll need an awesome subject line and a message that’s super persuasive.

You need to put a lot of effort into your pitch.

A good pitch is a difference between acceptance and rejection.

Make sure to?personalize every request?you send out.

This is important.

Here’s the simple process I used:

Step 1: Find the right podcasts to pitch to

Step 2: Research the podcast before you contact the host

Step 3: Contact the host to request an interview

Step 4: Schedule the interview

Step 5: Prepare for your interview

Step 6: Give a great interview

Step 7: End the interview with a specific call-to-action (CTA)

How patient are YOU?

Have you ever felt pressured to be patient, when you really didn’t want to be?

You don’t have to wait it out. You can go after what you want, as fast as possible.

Use these tips to accelerate your online business growth.


