6 Essential Homeowner Maintenance Tips to Prevent Costly Damage
Being a homeowner comes with specific responsibilities. After all, you’re the one responsible for the comfort and functionality of your home, and as such, it’s crucial that you stay on top of the maintenance game the best you can. Specific maintenance projects are more important than others, especially if you want to avoid costly damage in the long run. That said, keep your eyes open and pay attention to the overall functionality of your home but also focus your efforts on the following upgrades and fixes first.
1. Fix or Replace Faulty Slates As Soon As Possible
If one or a couple of your slates are loose or damaged, it’s crucial that you take care of those quickly and efficiently. Even though this might not seem like too big of an issue at first, you have to keep in mind that slates are connected and can affect each other, thus causing a chain reaction when something wrong happens. Not to mention that faulty slates won’t protect your home from wind, rain, and dampness adequately, which can quickly turn into a huge problem that can end up costing you much money. After all, it’s much more cost-effective to replace a couple of slates than an entire roof.
2. An Unusually High Water Bill? Investigate It
Of course, not every instance you receive a high water bill will be a reason for concern. But, the fact of the matter is, you can’t know that. Mostly, if you happen to receive an unusually high water bill, there’s also the possibility of an internal water leak you might not be aware of. In the long run, this can cause massive damage to your entire plumbing system, as well as the actual foundation and walls of your home. Therefore, it’s best to immediately call the water company so that they can send out the professionals in the field to investigate the situation and possibly even pinpoint the actual problem.
3. Install Fire Duct and Ventilation System in the Kitchen
Without a doubt, fully operational fire and carbon monoxide alarms are a must when it comes to a safe home. But, aside from these, you should never ignore the need for an adequate HVAC system in your kitchen. After all, this room can be most problematic when it comes to fire hazards, fumes, and smoke. No one wants to think that something like that could happen to them, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. With this addition, you’ll install the first line of defense that will boost the protection of your property together with the entire household.
4. Don’t Leave Your Tumble Dryer Unattended
This might seem like a logical and straightforward tip at first, but you’d be surprised just how many homeowners fail to listen to reason and neglect the importance of keeping an eye on their tumble dryer while it’s working. Of course, this particular appliance is rather handy as it saves you a ton of time on drying your clothes, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe to leave it on and then go out of your home. There have been more and more reports involving unattended tumble dryers and home fires. This doesn’t mean you should never use the machine, but remember that you’re responsible for your home. Also, don’t forget to give the dryer’s exhaust duct a thorough clean every once in a while.
5. Upgrade the Caulk Where Needed
Using caulk to seal the crevices and areas that might let out air is rather important when you’re doing your home maintenance, especially if you want to prevent potentially costly damage. For starters, the areas around your doors and windows might need a caulk upgrade, which will then avoid the warm/cold air from escaping the interior, thus saving you a considerable amount of money on electricity bills. Not to mention that you’ll want to fix the caulking in your bathroom and other areas in your home where moisture can seep in, thus causing damage to your walls and mold formation.
6. Say Goodbye to Weeping Willows
Now, this is an interesting one. As you’re probably already aware, many homeowners find weeping willows to be a beautiful addition to their yard and curb appeal. However, even though they might look appealing, it would be better to choose some other tree instead of weeping willows. There are many risks involved with planting a weeping willow in your yard as their roots are wide, shallow, and surprisingly strong. They tend to seek out water sources, and having these roots completely break or damage the pipes and even the foundation of one’s home is not unheard of.
It would be somewhat helpful to create your annual maintenance plan and then divide it into seasonal sections. That way, you’ll find the home maintenance work more practical and efficient, so that you don’t neglect certain areas of your home for too long.
For more tips check out https://chorerelief.com/blog