6 Emerging Digital Communication Trends That You CANNOT Afford to Ignore! ??
Telebu Communications
Creating meaningful experiences by unifying teams, customers & businesses, at scale.
Here's the truth about business trends. No one can predict them, but everyone has to keep up with them.
There was a time when customer communication was all about channels like print, TV, radio, and billboards. This evolved - in the 1990s - with the introduction of the Internet or more precisely, Email (a game-changer).
In today's Internet environment, communication is all about digital channels. From how we interact with colleagues to how we engage with customers, the evolution of communication in business has changed the way we work forever.
Another transformation took place during COVID-19.
With the people staying home and relying on technology for connection to the outside world, companies – that never considered a digital presence – were pushed to adopt new customer experiences to help them reach and connect with their audience.
This month's newsletter is an ode to how digital communication is changing the world of business, how your business can benefit from it, and trends that you should watch out for.
Let’s dive right into it - enjoy!
Here’s a truth everyone knows, yet no one likes talking about: It doesn’t matter how much your product costs.
Customer loyalty is not defined by price or even quality. Customer loyalty is defined instead by the experience consumers have.
So watch out, dear business owners,?these?are the six emerging digital communication trends that are shaping customer experience in 2022.
Lost time, slow progress, and missed deadlines due to lack of understanding or miscommunication - remote work has to endure one, or all of these problems at all times.
Video conferencing significantly reduces miscommunication, but not if it becomes a chore for employees.
Here are the five apps that simplify video conferencing for remote work.
When you think of TikTok, what comes to mind? Trendy Dance Videos for sure.
But the fact is, TikTok now features content from seemingly everything under the sun - hacks, tips, celebrity gossip, news, - you name it, TikTok has it.
And recently, TikTok has emerged as a powerful tool for B2B brands..
Morning Brew is an example of one such brand.
The media company targets business people using short-form, engaging videos.
Morning Brew finds fun, creative ways to pass on important information while retaining its original value.
The brand has amassed over 3.9M likes and over 300K followers on TikTok.
Here's a more in-depth blog you can read about?B2B Marketing TikTok Examples.
Have you thought about using TikTok for your B2B marketing??Maybe you should.
That's all, folks! See you next month.
The Newsletter Team at Telebu