6 Courses On How To Build A Startup For An Early Exit

6 Courses On How To Build A Startup For An Early Exit

I’m publishing this series to discuss a topic that I follow closely - cloud stocks, trends, strategy, acquisitions, and more. Please subscribe to my Cloud Stock Analysis series and never miss an article. I like fundamentals-focused business building, and outline the principles of fundamentals-focused business building in my free?Bootstrapping course.

I’m a big advocate for building small, capital-efficient startups. Not all entrepreneurs need to chase Unicorns. Not all investors need to chase Unicorns. There are many more viable ideas for those smaller ventures and there are considerably more opportunities for their exits, which means cashing in earlier on your hard work.

One type of exit is under $50 million, and to achieve that, your strategy should be to build a capital-efficient company that shows product-market fit in an efficient, bootstrapped manner.

That capital-efficient strategy is required for all stakeholders to make money when harvesting through smaller exits. If you want to understand how it’s done, please take this course.

  1. How to Bootstrap a Startup to Exit with Sramana Mitra

To dig even deeper, take additional courses on Bootstrapping. You may use all of these bootstrapping methods at once, or combine them in different ways.

  1. Bootstrapping a Startup with Services with Sramana Mitra
  2. Bootstrap First, Raise Money Later with Sramana Mitra
  3. Bootstrapping a Startup with a Paycheck with Sramana Mitra
  4. How to Bootstrap Startups by Piggybacking with Sramana Mitra
  5. How To Succeed As A Solo Entrepreneur with Sramana Mitra

A pragmatic startup founder could plan for an “exit strategy” early on as a way to recoup his or her investment. In order to achieve that goal, it is important to have a plan in place from day one.

The courses in this Udemy bundle can help you decide what type of business you want to start if you haven’t started yet, and how you should position yourself in the market for an early exit.

These courses feature real-life entrepreneurs discussing in great detail their own validation of an idea, their monetization strategies, and their plans for exits.

All of our courses are based on the 1Mby1M Methodology. Take these courses in any order you wish, combine them as needed, but do not skip out on learning.?You’ll be much more productive, and your results will come faster.

If you have any specific question, come and see me at a?1Mby1M free roundtable.

P.S. We’re looking to?partner with community leaders?who write blogs, teach and mentor entrepreneurs, and help support startup ecosystems in every corner of the world, no matter how small or how remote. I have?written about my own journey building startup ecosystems around the world, and how you can draw from my lessons from the trenches. If you’re interested in partnering with 1Mby1M, please consider?joining our ambassador program.

Looking For Some Hands-On Advice?

For entrepreneurs who want to discuss their specific businesses with me, I’m very happy to assess your situation during my free online?1Mby1M Roundtables, held almost every week. You can also check out our free?Bootstrapping Course, our?Udemy courses,?YouTube channel,?podcast interviews?with VCs and Founders, and, to?follow my writings, click Follow from?here.

Photo Credit:?Tumisu?from?Pixabay


