6 Core Competency Needs in the Post-Pandemic C-Suite: Part 1
By Bill Brewer

6 Core Competency Needs in the Post-Pandemic C-Suite: Part 1

The C-suite is evolving. Leaders operate in a “VUCA” (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, & ambiguity) world that requires an increasing degree of nuance and soft skills from every member of leadership. Ambiguous traits like empathy, vulnerability, inspiration, creativity, and resilience have become essential elements of an executive's job description.?

This isn’t merely the personal opinion of an executive recruiter. It’s backed up by data.

Every three years, the AESC (Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants) releases a survey of its executive clients, gauging trends and emerging issues in the field of executive recruitment. The latest report, “2023 Global Client Perspective Views On The Executive Search And Leadership Consulting Profession,” had some surprising insights into the state of modern, post-pandemic executive recruitment.?

For instance, the organization reported that a CEO’s personality characteristics can account for as much as 35% of a company’s financial performance. It also shared survey results indicating the primary factors that are driving the need for top talent. The list included items such as changing business models, diversity, and an aging workforce.?

The one thing that stood out above the rest was the need for new skills and capabilities for leadership roles. That category was highlighted by 65% of respondents as a significant need (20% higher than the next item, which was changing business models). AESC further identified six core competencies that are in high demand across all C-suite roles. These were:

  • Adaptability
  • Agility
  • Innovation
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Customer Centricity

Again, these are soft skills that everyone in leadership needs. Let’s break each of these core competencies down and consider how they impact the day-to-day operations of the 21st-century C-suite.

Adaptability Is Essential

The modern business environment is full of the unexpected. From major issues like supply chain disruption or financial stability to small-yet-significant items, like navigating your company’s latest video conference software, executives need to navigate unforeseen and unpredictable circumstances every day.

This has put adaptability in the spotlight. The academic experts at Yale succinctly define adaptability in the workplace as “a person’s ability to adjust to changes in their environment.”? While this is a good start, you can go further than the simple need to adjust.?

A good leader adjusts to ongoing change with poise and positivity. They operate with a mindset in which change is inevitable, and a flexible response is the best way to make the most of each pivot and course correction.

“A good leader adjusts to ongoing change with poise and positivity.”

The business world hasn’t been this fragile in years. Banks are faltering. Inflation is rampant. Cybersecurity remains an ongoing concern. War in Europe is disrupting supply chains, as is China’s sudden re-emergence into the world economy.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO, CSCO, CIO, or any other C-suite officer. Change is inevitable. As each twist and turn takes place, a good leader is ready to adapt without losing their poise.

At Stanton Chase, our executive recruiters have the tools, processes, techniques, and networks in place to identify top candidates. We also have a deep knowledge of the core competencies listed above and use them to help our clients assess and select the best individual for each position, whether they’re hiring on-site or from half a world away.

The C-suite is changing. The demands of leadership in the new normal are no longer compartmentalized to each role or position. Nor are they primarily dependent on hard skills. Soft skills like agility, communication, and innovation have become essential character traits that every leader must possess if they want to lead effectively.

Follow along for the next several weeks as we continue unpacking the remaining core competencies that are essential for today's leadership roles.


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