6 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Losing Weight

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Losing Weight

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in today’s world is equal parts easy and hard. Easy because you have all the knowledge, expertise, and resources available at the tap of your finger and hard because how can you say with conviction how much of that knowledge is even genuine and valid? To help you avoid any health mishaps and get clarity on weight loss once in for all, here are the top 6 common errors you should be aware of while choosing a weight management strategy for yourself.

1.????Indulging in an Extreme Regime:

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Any kind of obsessive regime unfortunately has a way of becoming popular thanks to marketing and new age “influencers”. But the dastardly harmful effects of such extreme routines, be it in terms of diet or workout can’t be stated enough. Filling up on calories or starving yourself to a seizure, becoming a couch potato or making gym your permanent home are some extreme lifestyles that have gained prominence in recent times. Medically disastrous, the adverse effects of such fads have been warned against by credible health practitioners and clinicians all over the world[1], but who’s listening? You should if you really want to manage your weight in the healthiest way possible. Balance is your go-to word here.

2.????Estimating your results solely by the weight Scale:

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One of the most common misconceptions and discouraging practices prevalent amongst people on a weight loss program is judging their growth basis the number on the scale. Many nutritionists and dieticians have been screaming at the top of their lungs about considering a holistic view of weight management and yet most people still can’t help get obsessed with the weight scale. The scale isn’t to be trusted completely because it never tells the “how”. You can lose weight but retain water and the number won’t change, similarly you could have gained muscle mass and loose fat but the number may not change. Following the weight scale alone is a technique sure to put you off of your weight management program prematurely.

3.????Not having a specific dietary plan as per your needs:

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Sure, there’s enough data available on the web today that can practically make you an “expert dietician”, for yourself atleast. But there’s a reason independent dieticians haven’t faced a job crunch despite the explosion of fitness apps and programs. Following a diet that’s tailor made as per your body is the first step towards meeting your weight management goals. After figuring out the right number of healthy calories you need to consume and burn, the weight loss seems much more manageable and real than just an idealistic goal without a plan. Customization is key when it comes to a diet plan.

4.????Not including Endurance & Resistance Training in your Workout:

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Belting it out in the gym without knowing what results a certain exercise is fetching you is a lot of hard work gone into waste. Weight training by its very name is a workout developed to increase muscle mass and lose unhealthy fat. Resistance training is a more specialized weight training technique that has been proved[2] to significantly aid in losing weight and improve metabolism. Impacting the resting metabolic rate (RMR), weight training also has shown its long-term weight management effects. So, get out of your comfort zone and go a little harder with the weights and you’ll be thanking yourself immensely.

5.????Giving up Carbs completely and consuming excess Protein:

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Similar to the fads we mentioned earlier in the article, one of the most prevalent, juvenile beliefs in the fitness community is consume zero carbs and thrice the protein you need. As it can seem to any person with a common sense, this is not only advised against by certified nutritionists[3] but this can have irreversible health effects. From high cholesterol, serious heart diseases to impaired gastrointestinal health, low carb high protein diets pose a serious risk to your health which if you haven’t realized by now will be a much graver risk to bet your fitness goals on.

6. Not tracking your Liquid diet:?

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As simple as it sounds, most of us while fastidiously tracking our solid diets forget to take account of the fluids we mindlessly sip as a secret coping mechanism against the unbearable healthy food. But guess what, the fluids are calories too and so you can be back to square one if you aren’t cautious about the sodas, juices and other guilty beverages you keep on sipping in between meals. The only fluid you can hope to fill on is the good ole life savior water but that too at the right intervals and in the right way. Infact, drinking more water than you otherwise need can even inadvertently help your weight loss goals.


The Upshot


There’s a saying by Eleanor Roosevelt which goes like –“Learn from the mistakes of others, you can’t live long enough to make them all yourself”. This can’t be truer when we talk about health and fitness and the unintelligibly farcical regimes people have put their bodies through and deservedly paid the price for. That’s why through this article we have tried to make you decide better and achieve your weight management goals in the healthiest way possible.

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8308821/


[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3544497/



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