6 Common Interview Questions You Must Prepare For
We have recently had a series of questions from candidates about handling interview questions. Hence our series of posts. It doesn't matter who you are or how confident you feel, we can all get 'thrown' by questions that come from left of field that we had never considered.
As a first start we would suggest preparing for the standard questions most employers would expect you to answer. In this handy infographic we reveal exactly what they are.
Best regards
About David Mattinson
David Mattinson is one of the MD's and founders at Mattinson Partnership. Specialist recruiters in six main vertical sectors covering; sustainability through civils, transport, planning, building services and the environment.
To find out how they can help you secure that key role or ensure you attract high quality candidates to your team get in touch here. Mattinson Partnership. Or call one of our consultants on 0207 960 2550.