The 6 Choices You Must Make Each Day
No matter where you are in life today, I believe that your best days are in your future!
Why do I say this? Well, if you're reading this you are alive are you not? Being alive is a blessing. It's easy to take life for granted. The way we live on earth has become so fast-paced life that it's easy to forget that each day is a blessing. Many people resent life. Actually it's not that they hate it, they just hate how it's panned out. The great news is it doesn't have to stay that way!
Don't be discouraged when Monday morning rears its head once again. Be thankful that you woke up on Monday morning - Michael Demadema
Each one of us was born with this powerful thing called choice. Choice = Action. The actions we take are inspired by the choices we make. If you choose to always focus on the wrong things in life you will inevitably do the wrong things. However if you choose to see life as nothing less than a blessing, your choices will spark the actions that will transform your life for good. The choice truly is yours and yours alone.
Here are 6 choices you must make each day.
Choose success: You don't have to wait for months or years to achieve success. Your success can come today! Each day we have a choice to do the small successful steps that will contribute to our larger future success. If you're a regular reader of my articles you will have noticed that one of my favourite declarations is taking baby steps each day is a lot better than standing still everyday. We must do the small in order to accomplish the big. If you choose to focus on doing the small successful steps each day I believe you are already a success story!
Choose to get over it: When we get offended by something or someone the easy thing is to hold a grudge and to remember it all day. That's just a trap to deter you from your God-given destiny. You don't need to prove anyone wrong, you need to prove yourself right! For example, don't go around remembering the bad that happened 10 minutes ago; instead think of how you can make the most of the next 10 minutes. You cannot overcome bad with bad, only good will do the trick.
Choose a hopeful vision: What do you see day in and day out? Are you seeing yourself reaching your goals, getting healthier, becoming wealthy? Or are you imagining the direct opposite of this? You can control the pictures you see in your mind. You can choose to replay those troublesome times or feed your vision. Eventually what we see in our minds we see in our daily lives. It's time to make proper use of your imagination because a misuse of your imagination is a misuse of your God-given abilities.
Choose faith: It's either faith or fear there's nothing in between. Thankfully faith is the ultimate antidote for fear. It's up to you to believe in yourself, others and something bigger than yourself. Faith is our inner fortitude to forge ahead. It overcomes setbacks, adversity and will add value to every facet on your life. Choose to feed your faith because what you feed will grow.
Choose to plant the right seed: You are the farmer of your life so you better choose to plant the right seed. Today's seeds are harvested tomorrow. The more seeds you plant the more bags full you will have come harvest time. Seeds you should be planting each day include investing in yourself, giving yourself to people, and honing your talents.
Choose to never give up: A lot of people go around saying "Oh at least I tried" and next thing you know they throw in the towel. Don't try just do! Nothing worth having is achieved by giving up. Each day is an opportunity for you to do something worthwhile. How bad do you want it?
If you really want it you won't give up, you will step up! - Michael Demadema
These choices come thick and fast each day. Additionally there are inclinations to make the right decisions and temptations to make the wrong decisions. Thankfully we are more than capable of resisting temptation and there will always be an escape route from it.
If you are tired about your life it's time to do something about it TODAY! Quit the complaining and start claiming the life that you want. You can only claim something by choosing it. Choose the life you want and do whatever it takes to live it.