6 Business Things I Learned from Taking a Blogging Break

6 Business Things I Learned from Taking a Blogging Break

I am back.

If you are reading this blog it is because you are either following me or tripped on to this page. I started writing blogs in 2007. I took a 6-month writing break. I needed it. Since that time I learned a few things. Here is what I learned.

My Business World Didn’t End. Yap, if anything I got busier doing more strategic plans for clients (6 in 12 months) than I have done in a while. But that does not mean it was a good idea to stop blogging business content. I discovered that there is a real need for good business content. Especially true for my clients and for people interested in developing themselves. There continues to be an opportunity for companies to provide valuable information.

Things Trended Downward. It’s a hard pill to swallow. While checking out my business website stats, I noticed there had been a downward trend. The reason is simple; I was not actively providing value-based content. That is fair enough as I did decide that I needed a break from writing weekly/bi-weekly. But I can’t help think about what this means to other businesses who do a haphazard job at their social media activities and blogging. I learned that the world forgets about you the moment you stop being consistent in providing value-based content. A good lesson for everyone. It is important for your business to be involved and engaged with your prospects. The rule to follow, provide the information they need.

Finding Clarity for Social Media Usage. During the time I have been away I started to watch social media a bit more. This time more with a discerning eye. As part of that process I was asking myself, where do my preferred clients hang out? They are busy people, just like you. It turns out my clients mostly use LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube (for quick educational videos). They keep Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit for personal stuff and don’t want to mix things. This told me that you don’t need to be everywhere. You need to be where your people are, your customers. I think this is something you should consider for your business.

Many Ways to Thinks about Clients. Since 2005 I have worked with a lot of companies, business leaders, and professionals. I have discovered that I have two types of clients that like to work with me for which I now have avatars and names, Dana Decider and Winner Wannabe. Dana Decider either owns a company or works for someone who owns a company, they are a decider or influencer and in a business leadership position. This person usually wants to focus on solving key challenges and finding opportunities. Often they are seeking strategic planning, business analysis or leadership development to move their company forward. Winner Wannabe is a real person (named changed) I met years ago who told me that they wanted to be like me. So I helped them. They generally are either an employed or independent professional who is seeking to build their business acumen through training and development or coaching and mentorship. If they are employed professionally, then it is about specific skill-based leadership coaching. If they are an independent professional, then they tend to want more business coaching so they can thrive in their business. My point in sharing is to say to you need to know your clients. Create a profile, define them and maybe you will see them wherever you go.

Things Change Fast. When you take a break from something that you have been doing for a long time, you notice that things change fast. Over the course of the last few months, I have had the opportunity to track people I respect and admire in business. When I look at what is happening business-wise a lot of things have changed in such a way that I think there is an opportunity for Canadian Business to think and buy Canadian products and professional services. Especially when using an online gig service for hiring professionals. As a Canadian entrepreneur, I have always taken issue with the fact we have to pay America dollars when using a gig-site to hire Canadian. This has to change. In the last 90s and early 00s, I was involved in some outsourcing projects for clients. Helping them decrease operational costs and improve productivity. Given the present business climate, the use of Canadian business platforms (if you can find them that charge in Canadian dollars) there is an opportunity for Canadian Source Services across our country. Technology is enabling a shared and gig economy where you can stay connected and work with people from anywhere in our own country. I know that this is nothing new. But my point is that situations are presenting themselves to work and buy Canadian while paying in Canadian dollars. As a business person, the exchange rate is killer. Look local, buy local, contribute to our economy and save money.

Crazy how things can change so fast, unknown

We Go International. One of the most incredible experiences I had in the last 24 months and most importantly the last six months is working with international business leaders, professionals and students. Canada is a great nation of diversity. It is our strength. It is interesting to apply Canadian business fundamentals, analysis and strategic planning practices with people from other parts of the world. You start to realize that as much as you are helping them, they are helping you see the world from another perspective. Interestingly, by 2026 Canadian businesses will have an estimated 3 million people resource shortage. Small business is already feeling the resource pinch. If anything, my work with international people has taught me that it is paramount we focus on building business brainpower of the people in Canada and coming to Canada. So I would encourage you to consider how you are developing the people around you. Especially given the changes taking place in our business landscape, economy, and community.

Final Thoughts: The biggest challenge of taking a break is in thinking the question, is it too late. I have wondered if by taking this time off from writing, from blogging has caused major business damage. I like to think not. When you need a break, you need a break, so you should take it. Right! Unfortunately, I am not sure the business world around us is as forgiving. We will see.

I am hopeful that you will continue to read my business blog, listen to my radio show and podcast and watch for the future things I plan to do in business that will benefit you.

As always, do remember

Do your best, invest in the success of others and make your journey count.


As always, do remember. Do your best, invest in the success of others and make your journey count. Be SET for Success in all that you do. Richard.

BraveWorld Inc www.braveworld.ca


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