6 Books that Must Be Written Post-Covid19
We know our world will be forever changed after the current pandemic finally passes. The question is of course: exactly how much? But by anyone's conservative guess, it looks to be significant. According to Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing at NYU's Stern School of Business, we will see an acceleration of changes already happening within society. Here are six areas ripe for disruption, or already experiencing significant upheaval. Experts in these fields can leverage opportunity by writing a book to help others navigate the coming changes.
- Ad Agencies - with data showing that the pandemic will have a bigger impact on advertising than the 2008 financial crisis and so far, overall spending on digital ads is already down 33% while spending on traditional media is down 39%. Print ads will continue to decline but brands and agencies that appeal to consumers with a level of authenticity and relevance will rise to the top. For example, the Doner Ad Agency of Detroit recently produced this spot in response to the Covid19 lockdown. It was shot with a camera rig on a car, edited on a home system, with the voiceover recorded by a copywriter in a home closet, then mixed by a sound studio. The result is an authenticity that appeals to viewers, not to mention the ability of the agency to produce moving content quickly and for a fraction of the cost of a big ad agency budget.
- Education - with students from primary school through college suddenly taking all their classes online through Zoom video-conferencing calls, there looks to be serious disruption to how education is delivered. Parents may be less inclined to continue writing checks for what is already considered to be overpriced higher education now delivered via a professor behind a screen. They may not opt to continue to sign these checks, putting the traditional 4-year campus-based college education in peril. There are many books here: how to teach online, how to learn online, how to get an online education for a fraction of the cost.
- Workplace Culture - Inevitable changes in the workplace will occur as people work from home en masse. Some employers will see benefits to their bottom line and make these changes permanent. This can transform industries in myriad ways, giving authors in various fields opportunities to provide expert guidance and insight. Books on how we work, live, and play, will likely find readers.
- Food - These changes will be myriad and involve winners and losers in this industry. Home delivery may seem like it will dominate but it might not be sustainable. Likely flash points for discussion will be the agriculture supply chain and growing demand for local food production, the restaurant industry, home cooking, and food justice. What and how will we be eating in five years' time?
- Travel Industry - Obviously, airlines and the travel industry in general will struggle to recover. What will these changes look like and how will they affect tourists and business travelers alike?
- Live Events/Entertainment - With our abilities to gather for sporting events, concerts, conferences, and conventions, among other things, impaired for the foreseeable future, we need guidebooks and insight on how to produce, create and thrive in online events when the real world is just too dangerous.