The 6 best tricks to burn belly fat according to science

The 6 best tricks to burn belly fat according to science

The 6 best tricks to burn belly fat according to science

Write down the best tricks to burn abdominal fat

All backed by science and empirically proven!

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Losing fat in a localized way has been proven to be impossible, for example in the stomach or hips area, but there are certain tricks to promote the loss of abdominal fat and say goodbye to those unsightly love handles. Try these tips to define your abs more and reach the summer with a six pack of heart attack.

First of all, you should know that, to define your rectus abdominis, you have to have a very low body fat index, eat a proper diet and work on strength and cardio in the gym or at home. And of course, take note of the best exercises out there for your abs and core.

The 6 best tricks to burn your abdominal fat

1- Gain muscle

"Muscle is the opposite of fat," says Mayo Clinic cardiologist Francisco López-Jiménez. Muscle helps to fight fat and the liver to process fatty acids. And if you build muscle in the lower body, even better, since you will give your body more balance and achieve a healthier metabolism.

So bet on strength exercises and, in addition to gaining muscle, you will burn fat, also in the abdomen. A Harvard University study found that men who trained with weights for a minimum of 20 minutes a day lost more abdominal fat than those who did 20 minutes of cardio. Back squats, front squats, Goblet and even with your own body weight, deadlift, chin-ups, standing barbell military press, Romanian deadlift, lunges, bench press ... and cardio, that's the perfect or ideal formula for hypertrophy. and burn fat.

2- Find a suitable diet for your lifestyle

A flabby belly is due as much to what's going on in your head as it is in your gut. If you control the appetite in your head and manage to maintain a healthy lifestyle thanks to a good diet, it will be easier for you to burn abdominal fat. In addition, there is a genetic and evolutionary part of the human being, which comes from our ancestors; not having food insured when they were hunters, their body got used to storing fat as a protection measure.

"Most overweight people do not gain more than 3 kilos a year, for example, but of course, if you add that year after year, do the math ...", says Michael Schwartz, co-director of the University's Diabetes Institute from Washington.

Intermittent fasting for 16 hours helps to consume fewer calories, for example, it resets our metabolism, and accustoms the body to control the feeling of hunger.

3- Take care of your microbiome

The intestinal microbiota is part of humans from birth and affects the functioning of the entire organism. It consists of a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other single-celled animals that live in the body. The microbiome is the name given to all the genes within these microbial cells.

And a healthy microbiome should be like a rainforest, with lots of 'microbes' in our gut. "Those microbes are like a factory that produces thousands of compounds, good and bad," says Dan Knights, a professor at the Institute of Biotechnology at the University of Minnesota.

To restore and take care of your intestinal Amazon, eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, legumes and a lot of fiber in short. A recent study showed that a 10-gram increase in daily fiber intake resulted in a 3.7 percent drop in visceral fat.

It does not hurt to take certain probiotics, kefir, natural yogurts without sugar and infusions for good digestion and intestinal health.

4- Minimize your stress

Managing stress is important for lowering blood pressure and maintaining a healthy immune system. And long-term stress increases the amount of glucocorticoids, hormones that increase hunger, according to a 2014 study published in Frontiers in Psychology. More stress means more hunger and, in the long run, more belly fat. Also, remember that stress is among the leading causes of death in the world and the cause of all kinds of diseases.

So learn to relax and relativize things; practice deep breathing for example. Dr. Andrew Weil, founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine recommends trying the 4-7-8 breathing exercise: close your mouth and breathe through your nose for a count of 4; then hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale very slowly for a count of 8. Repeat this process 4 times and tell us ...

5- Change your fat

Not all body fat is harmful. Visceral fat is white fat, a type associated with an unhealthy metabolism. But brown fat burns calories and helps the body generate heat. "We don't have a lot of brown fat and we lose it as we age," says Dr. Cohen. And as we get fatter, the white fat gains ground to the brown ...

Researchers have also found a third type of fat, beige, which can be activated to burn white fat and turn it into brown fat, also known as brown fat and a great ally for weight loss.

6- Reduce your cravings and, if you need it, enter a caloric deficit

Controlling cravings and hunger is difficult for those who are determined to lose weight. So eliminate the empty calories of products such as cookies, chips or soft drinks from your diet and bet on eating more vegetables, fruits and proteins. Save the cravings for your weekly cheat meal, for example. The caloric deficit is always essential to lose weight.

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Several studies claim that eating a lot of protein helps control our cravings and cause us a feeling of satisfaction. And fiber is satiating, which reduces our feeling of hunger.

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