


From the previous 5 word explosions…

1. We know YOU is a word.

In line with everything else you have a word for, YOU de-scribes what you is first, followed by what you do and what you have.

  • You IS a word-using animal.
  • You IS 100% energy, 100% cells, 70% water, and 30% fire-air-earth.
  • You IS on a journey.
  • You DO respond to words, non-stop, 7/24.

2. We know WORD (singular) and WORDS (plural) does/do nothing.

For anything to get done to or with a word/words takes a word-user, that is you, and again in line with everything you have a word for, you de-scribe what it is first, followed by what it does and what it has.

  • Word IS/words ARE…
  • Everything you have a word for.
  • Everything you know.
  • A word by any other word.
  • Can’t be anything else.
  • A prison.

Having covered steps 1 & 2, in word explosion #6, you will now respond to step 3:

3.1 What YOU HAVE:




That’s all you have.

If not, you wouldn’t be here. Nor would I. Nor would anything existing be here today.

Not only do you have abilities, but according to words, you have more abilities than you know, or can manage in one go. Wanna bet? Well, you may not feel like betting, so I did the hard work for you. Are you ready? Be warned, your grand-total of abilities is over 500! You can look them up here.

But not to worry!

The only ability that counts is your ability to respond. The other 500-plus abilities have no function other than to support your ability to respond.

As you improve your ability to respond, every other of your 500-plus abilities improves at the same time.

More about your ability to respond, also known as your response-ability, will be in future word explosions.

Words HAVE


Thinking words possess anything pre-supposes they have the organs required. But words don’t have any (organs).

For a word/words to have anything — such as meaning — it takes a word-user, that is you, or me, or 9 billion word-users like you and me.


“Words are all we have.” - Samuel Beckett (in 1969, in his Nobel Prize for Literature acceptance speech)

What Samuel Beckett is saying, what electrified me and what may electrify you, I think is the only difference between the wordless animals, and us, the wordy animals, is words.
