5X Your Revenue With Email
Hey Gang,
From now on I'm using the top title line as the subject line in an email so just imagine reading this from your inbox.
This will be standard practice going forward as it doesn't seem like LinkedIn is giving me any sort of boost to use titles that are more SEO driven.
So expect some really random and wacky "Subject Lines"
In fact, i'm not even going to add those AI generated images either as I think they negatively effect how the algorithm pushes this newsletter the beautiful people of LI.
Anywho lets get to the heart of todays newsletter.
How to double your revenue with Email.
I know, it sounds like a bold claim.
Some studies show the average email marketing campaign delivers and an ROI of $36 for every $1 spent.
Which sounds a lot higher than double to me. Right? Thats a 36X.
While I personally have never seen numbers that high, I have seen some pretty lofty numbers in my years of sending emails.
And depending on what you're selling, I suppose it could go that high.
How is this possible though you ask?
Well, for starters most businesses are not using email marketing at all.
Email marketing is one of the best ways to stay relevant to your clients.
And in todays economy, attention is everything and staying relevant is a must.
Emails have, on average, an almost 4% click through rate. Whereas most social media posts have a 1% engagement rate.
Let's put some numbers behind this.
Lets say your business has 1000 followers on social media and 1000 people signed up to your email list.
And you want to drive traffic to your website to sell a product or service.
With a social media post where the average engagement rate is 1%, 100 people will see the post and you might get 10 people to engage with it.
Now if you get 5 of those people to click on the link thats 5 clicks to your website.
How many of those 5 people are going to buy?
Maybe 1 possibly 2.
Email marketing gives about a 4% click through rate.
Sending an email to your list of 1000 people would be 40 clicks to your website.
Thats already 8X the amount of clicks.
And assume 10-20% of these people buy what your selling that would be 4-8 sales.
If you're selling a $100 product, via socials you will make $100-200.
Via email you make $400 - $800.
Of course these numbers are fluid and would be different depending on a large variety of factors but you get the idea behind the click through rates.
As you can see email is head and shoulders above social media for engagement and can be a great tool to implement into any business looking to sell more stuff.
If you have any questions about email marketing DM me here on LinkedIn.
John Alewine
P.S. The #1 email marketing software to use for businesses is AWeber.