The 5th POWER ... versus : Press&Politics&Particracy

The 5th POWER ... versus : Press&Politics&Particracy

The 4th power of press&media is loosing grip after 2 centuries now the 5the power of TWITTER en FACEBOOK en LINKEDIN is taking over the attention of the public because:

The "political party dictatorship" has always dictated the journalists since we had particracy installed in all western countries after the French revolution and the United States Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

Journalist need to fill their square centimeters of text and without the hints of political parties en press releases by politicians, the newspapers can not fill their pages. In this way the press journalists are slaves and taxable to politicians and their particracy=pseudo-democracy ...

As well in rich western cultures as in poor cultures in developing countries the real democracy is growing via internet and the 5th power of the social media and not via the classical 4th power of the traditional press and media :

Worldwide :

?People Decide - Change the world

3D = Digital Direct Democracy : a new global movement of the brave citizen

In Vlaanderen :

VDBB = Vlaamse Dapper Brave Burgers

In Brasschaat :

OK 2018 Brasschaat = Brasschaatse Dappere Brave Burgers

And in your village ?


