5th BICKERS GLUEJET? XY Glue Plotter installed at LINNEY GROUP.
LAMINA SYSTEM & BICKERS. UK & Irish Sales. Litho Laminators, XY Glue Plotter, Folder Gluers & Taping machine.
Linney Group based in Mansfield, UK is a sixth-generation family run business, founded in 1851. Their impressive site has a turnover of £130m and employs over 1250 full time staff. This fifth GLUEJET? is a 2x3m model including scissor lift twin tables with the latest technology which includes a dynamic radar safety system for the high-speed carriage carrying the traversing glue guns. Linney had its first Bickers GLUEJET? installed in 2014 with three more following over the years. Demand for a fifth XY Glue Plotter came in summer 2024 from extra workloads due to new contracts won. All these machines are being used to glue POS display units, also known as FSDU’s, for high street shops and supermarkets, etc. The GLUEJET? was sold by Bickers UK & Irish sales agent Neil Thayer of Finishline Machinery. Installations of the world market leading Bickers GLUEJET? XY Glue Plotters now total 85 in UK & Ireland alone!