5S/6S Creates Workplace "FLOW"
Carlos Conejo, Lean Six Sigma Specialists
We can help you enhance your Operational Performance & Streamline Your Processes
5S and 6S is a a workplace organization system designed to create FLOW.
I purposely capitalized and italicized the word "FLOW" because most people think that 6S is only about workplace organization.
Understanding that it is much more than this. 6 S helps us in taking the necessary steps needed to take in developing an environment that:
1. Is Organized
2. Is Safe
3. Is Productive
4. Is capable of smooth work flow
5. Pts the operator in control
It all starts with a workplace observation:
Walk around your offices and facility and note all the items that are out of place, such as:
a. Boxes in conference rooms and cubicles
b. Piles of paperwork all over
c. Parts, notebooks, etc. not in designated locations
d. Boxes being used as trash cans, etc
e. WIP and pallets in the middle of aisles blocking access
The 6 "S's" are:
Sustain, and
>>Sorting means:
Sorting anything that is out of place and does not belong in the area, or will not be used in the next 30 days. There is a formal Red tag process that places red tags on these items identifying them for removal or disposition. We hold an "auction" with everyone in the area to determine what to do with these items. It's a team effort!
Straightening means:
Physically rearranging the area for better flow. Consolidating filing cabinets or moving them for better flow. Using the ancient art of Feng Shui is the goal. Harmonious "flow."
Shine means:
Clean and remove reasons for contaminants
Standardize means:
Implementing standard operating procedures that everyone follows. Standardization reduces or eliminates variation, and variation is the enemy! Standardization also means creating visible signals and meaningful metrics to ensure team understanding.
Sustaining means:
Developing daily audits and communication strategies. This is the "DISCIPLINE" of 6S. If your organization can sustain it, then you will have a high performance organization. If your organization cannot sustain this effort, then you will have a mediocre organization!
Safety means:
Creating a safe workplace. Exits clearly marked, no clutter to trip on, safe business practices.
Here a picture of a 6S cart out on the production floor which makes it easier for folks to implement 6S. Ideally your organization should have a champion that moves this initiative forward and a Safety or 6S Team or committee that enforces and helps train employees to self-audit.