5G, how dangerous is it?

5G, how dangerous is it?

Like many new technologies, 5G is causing a division among people who join tribes like "5G is bad for our health", "5G has been built to control our minds"... you get the point. This can be easily found in media, videos around the internet, forums and so on.

What they miss, is the research that is behind this technology. Indeed the vast majority of the population does not even know what 5G really is. Let alone know the implication it can have on our health. 

Let's not forget the opposition and the conspiracy theories arose when the first cell phones have been introduced or if we want to go back to when the Xrays have been discovered, it was seen as something dangerous. As if every kind of radio wave which is passing through our body will disrupt the function of it. Later as we all know, an x-ray is a daily practice and no one is affected by it. That is of course after we finally understood how to use it and how to harness the benefit of it. 

It is in our nature to behave like this in front of things we do not fully understand and we do not see the whole benefit. But, that is not maybe a bad thing, as we have evolved to fear the unknown for the sake of our own survival. In fact, taking precautions and being resistive to new changes somewhat is justified, as we are not fooled easily and we first want to be 110% sure of something before taking it for granted and not fear it anymore.

But basic logical thinking can show us all that 5G is not bad for us because it is a technology which will be applied and used worldwide. So even if it were harmful, the people in power who would like to destroy our brains would be affected too, as they don't live on another planet. In fact, they may be the first ones to use it, to be honest.

As for the benefits it brings to us, they're not limited to the fact that your YouTube video will load faster, or you will watch 4k on your Netflix without waiting it to load, or the facebook page will load faster.

All these are just a bonus of it. The real benefits are outside of what we people consume daily on the internet.

Indeed, the advent of 5G will help self-driving cars, connect all things and build truly smart cities, will help the automation of ports, will allow a surgeon to an operation on a patient in a different part of the continent through a robot and real-time augmented reality.

The real benefits of 5G will give a new shape to our society as we know it and it will be for the better.


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