5G Is Here! What do we do now?

5G Is Here! What do we do now?

I'm sure you have heard all about 5g. Everybody is screaming about the speed and that it's going to revolutionize the way we do mobile. I believe them. I've always dreamt of things that were impossible to do. In 1999 a dial-up modem would connect you to a colored screen (usually blue), and you got to see the text move across the screen and flash. Woo-hoo!

In this screenshot, take note of Verizon speeds. That's 10% faster in mobile devices. How to put that in perspective, when 3G hit in 2002, we got wireless Internet. So think about what 5G is going to bring when it's fully integrated.

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From 2G to 3G to 4G

4G is what we have now, and it's no slouch. We now have animations online, streaming movies, streaming music, online gaming, and technologies that we've all come to know and love. Thinking about what we gained when we went from 2G to 3G, then from 3G to 4G. The 3G to 4G jump brought with it more people online, more businesses online, more up-to-the-second news online, more e-commerce, more social interaction online, and more entertainment online, to name a few. I may do a follow-up article on some real numbers that would show the growth rate. (Any researchers out there let me know.) I don't have to see it to know it happened. It's obvious and logical. The same way that it's obvious and logical that we're going to see a similar thing, maybe more, when 5G gets fully integrated.

When will this happen?

We won't feel the effects of 5G for a while because 5G is out, but it's not entirely released. It's slowly rolled out one network at a time. That's the smartest way to do it to minimize issues. There are rumors that in some places, it will up to 25x faster. No telling how much the throttle will go until everything is operating on it. With 5G, a natural bi-product of the technology will make mobile devices have the ability to integrate into everything. Cars, clothes, toys, homes, malls, parks, you name it. Why not? Intelligent devices already are. Some are wifi. But soon, EVERYTHING will be wifi, smart devices. With this kind of breakthrough, I think that within another year or so, the Internet will go global. Did you know?

Right now, only 54% of the world has the Internet. - Wikipedia

Do you realize that 5G could change the world

5G could open up more of the world to the Internet. It won't be just faster; it will reach more people. When you combine that ability with a company like Global Internet, there's no telling what could happen! Right now, Global Internet is already doing a global "thing" with 3G/4G technology. Moving to 5G will be bigger, better, faster, stronger!

Are you ready?

How fast do you want to grow? Position yourself to be a global business. Think about those people that need your product and services. Think about the opportunities that lie there for reaching an entirely new audience. Maybe this new audience will demand a different kind of online experience. Who knows? There's a change coming, that I do know.

As an owner of a design company and a previous owner of a computer consulting firm, I've positioned my thinking for the global economy for a long time. It's hard to think globally. Try it sometime. I have a hard time wrapping my head around it but practicing thinking that way does make you think differently. You think more outward, more about people and the community.  Being a people person business is the new form of winning clients. People have seen it all. Think personal. 5G is only going to magnify that! If you're good with people in your business and treat the customer fairly and right, then keep doing that because you're blazing the trails. It's not as common as you would hope. If you're not good with people, work on it. Otherwise, you MIGHT miss out on what's coming.

Expansion is coming!

Let's embrace the 5G change and get ready to EXPAND with it! I want my websites to eventually be in as many languages as possible. I have always thought about my native language first. Maybe I'm missing out on a bigger audience? You think!??

I'm hoping that everything I've seen and hoped for will happen online. 5G is just a kick in the right direction. I'm just really excited to see what it's going to bring. How about you?!! Tell me about it in the comments!

Sources: The History of 3G, cnn.com, wikipedia.org


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