5G: All features, uses, future prospect

5G: All features, uses, future prospect



The 4th Industrial Revolution (IR) presents a rare chance for various sectors to augment their enterprise and input to local economies by assisting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). This is driven by both conventional and emerging technologies, that is, a blend of the IoT, AI, ADA, RPA, robotics, cloud computing, VR, AR, 3D printing, and drones. The interconnection is a key enabler that facilitates these technologies to capitalize on their full capability. 1st IRs were categorized by the conversion of physical infrastructure networks. Electricity powered the 2nd and 3rd IRs, as systems realized economies of scale by linking large plants over high-voltage transmission grids to local supply networks benefiting many users. The 4th IR’s potential can be capitalized requires the wide-scale distribution of 5G communication networks. 5G technology will help in connecting billions of IoT devices, will allow higher quality video services with mobility at high speed, and deliver critical services such as telesurgery and autonomous cars among others. It will help in real-time monitoring of disasters, precision agriculture, and minimizing the role of humans in dangerous industrial operations such as in deep mines, offshore activities, etc. Unlike existing mobile communication networks, 5G networks will allow the tailoring of requirements for each of these different use cases within the same network.

?Therefore, the value of 5G is very vital as it possesses an immense level of connectivity, upgrading 4G networks with five key functional drivers: superfast broadband, ultra-reliable low latency communication, massive machine-type communications, high reliability/availability, and efficient energy usage. Assembling these significant features will radically alter many sectors, like, Manufacturing, Transportation, Public utility services, and health. Before Ensuring the widespread placement of 5G networks, key stakeholders must resolve prime concerns. Government regulators and the local authority must adopt at right time to invest in 5G infrastructure; mobile and telecommunications operators must appraise the right business models; and the public must discover methods to reap maximum profits with this latest technology, before safeguarding the conservancy of the public’s rights. The changeover to 5G networks needs to succeed until all stakeholders – citizens, the private sector, and the government – collaborate to efficiently resolve the risks and concerns.

??A strategy aiming to foster acceleration of a sustainable and inclusive transition to 5G networks globally, forming noteworthy economic and social value. The key efficient software component that lets the operating system and a device of 5G will reveal a broad spectrum of uses, including the most effective use of service delivery, decision-making, and end-user experience. Significant economic and social value can be generated by enabling use cases activated by 5G. A preliminary estimate is that $13.2 trillion in global economic value will be made possible by 2035, generating 22.3 million jobs in the 5G global value chain alone. To comprehensively recognize, the 5G ecosystem was mapped out to identify its components, its stakeholders and interdependencies, and the actions needed to accelerate 5G adoption and fully utilize the potential. A group of challenges was identified for each component (spectrum, infrastructure, devices, services, impact, and security). To safeguard all requirements to fast-track 5G rollout are coordinated and the mutuality is understood, a robust collaboration between stakeholders is desired. The prime area for collaboration that requires participatory input is a firming of the business case for 5G through the measurement of the potential social value accrual. Though multiple used cases are technically enabled by the functional drivers of 5G and activated through multistakeholder cooperation and collaboration.

?After analyzing many use cases during the development observed key industrial advances and social impact areas besides the main functional drivers of 5G and the required maturity levels of these features. The outcomes of this analysis corroborated by intuitions from stakeholders?and several cross-industry workshops formed the following key findings: Significant economic and social value can be gained from the widespread deployment of 5G networks. Technological applications, enabled by a set of key functional features, will both facilitate industrial advances, improve their bottom line, and enhance city and citizen experiences. To accelerate the adoption of 5G, new collaboration models among stakeholders are needed, along with clear methodologies to estimate the social value creation, which will enhance the business case of 5G. It will contribute to industrial advances in three significant ways: by 1) enabling faster and more effective inspections through predictive intelligence; 2) improving the workplace and worker safety; and 3) enhancing operational effectiveness. It also has the potential to impact the industry by managing the carbon footprint and bridging the digital divide and social impact?can deliver social value across 11 key areas that correspond to 11 of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This value derives mainly from contributing to good health and well-being, enhancing infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation. Other key areas in which social value is created through 5G include contributing to responsible consumption, enabling sustainable cities and communities, and promoting decent work and economic growth.?Five key functional drivers of 5G support certain technological applications. They are: 1) enhanced mobile broadband; 2) ultra-reliable low latency communication; 3) security; 4) massive machine-type communications; and 5) power efficiency. by ultra-reliable low latency communication and enhanced mobile broadband. Massive machine-type communications and security are also important. It is important to note that 5G could be the ideal technology for certain solutions, but others might be sufficiently served with Wi-Fi, 4G, or even earlier generations of networks. Maturity 5G deployment will occur in phases with certain functional drivers improving over time. However, not all the use cases identified require these functional drivers at full maturity. The key drivers in their current state and in the short term have the highest potential to disrupt our low-latency communication and enhanced mobile broadband.

??Fast, intelligent internet connectivity enabled by 5G technology is expected to create approximately $3.6 trillion in economic output and 22.3 million jobs by 2035 in the global 5G value chain alone.2 This will translate into global economic value across industries of $13.2 trillion, with manufacturing representing over a third of that output; information and communications, wholesale and retail, public services and construction will account for another third combined. To make that happen, however, trillions will first have to be invested to introduce global 5G networks. It presents an opportunity for companies to be first movers, but greater cooperation is needed to accelerate deployment. While several countries have initiated roadmaps for the 5G rollout, others are falling behind due to a diverse set of challenges that will require an unprecedented level of collaboration between businesses, the public sector, and broader stakeholders in society. These have repercussions across several areas of the ecosystem, including creating new business models, fostering innovation, defining investment models for digital infrastructure, preparing for cybersecurity scenarios, and, more broadly, ensuring sustainability and positive societal impact.

?To help enterprises across industries transform while shaping an inclusive and sustainable transition to the next generation of networks. Some parts of the Digital Economy and New Value Creation Platform, whose objective is to develop new economic and business models that are digitally driven, creating sustainable value for an inclusive economy. The economic output potential by taking a bottom-up approach through a use-case-driven analysis.?Over the past decade, as 5G was first imagined, then developed, and then launched, those of us in the tech and telecommunications industries became increasingly excited by its potential. We knew from an early stage that 5G would make digitalization more accessible, allowing small businesses, public services, and even individual households to reap the benefits of smart products and services. We have actively contributed to, shows that 5G’s speed, reliability, and scale are already unlocking huge social and economic gains. This is the future – and Nokia is delighted to play its part. ?

Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) Faster connections, higher throughput and greater capacity (up to 10 Gbps) Allows for an extension in cellular coverage into diverse structures (large venues) and the ability to handle a larger number of devices using high amounts of data Fixed wireless access service, enhanced in-building broadband service, real-time augmented reality service, real-time virtual and mixed reality service, crowded or dense area service, enhanced digital signage, high definition cloud gaming, public protection and disaster response services, massive content streaming services, remote surgery and examination Ultra-reliable low latency communication (uRLLC) Reduced time for data from device to be uploaded and reach its target (1 ms compared to 50 ms for 4G) Enables time-sensitive connections wirelessly Autonomous vehicles, drones and robotic applications, health monitoring systems/telehealth, smart grid and metering, intelligent transportation, factory automation, remote operation, self-driving cars, mission-critical services (security and safety), high-definition real-time gaming Security Robust security properties, leading to high reliability and availability Creates an ultrareliable connection to support applications where failure is not an option Massive machine type communications (mMTC) Increased spectral efficiency plus small cell deployment Allows for a large number of connections to support data-intensive applications Asset tracking and predictive maintenance, smart cities/buildings/agriculture, internet of energy/utility management, industrial automation, smart logistics (advanced telematics), smart grid and metering, smart consumer wearables, environmental management, intelligent surveillance and video analytics, smart retail Power efficiency Efficient power requirements for massive multiple input, multiple-output (MIMO), small cell implementation Leads to lower costs and enables massive internet of things By definition, 5G refers to fifth-generation cellular network technology, which has been evolving since 1980.

?It is expected to significantly enhance the mobile network, enabling more connections and interactions. This connectivity enhancement across networks will unlock significant potential for various industries to improve their bottom line. 5G Ecosystem Cycle SPECTRUM is the oil of the 5G ecosystem, without which no 5G network infrastructure or devices can operate. The future networks will rely on a combination of mainstream and alternative technologies and will use both licensed and unlicensed spectrum across different spectrum bands together (low = long-range, indoor penetration but low-capacity density; high = short range, no indoor penetration, high-capacity density). INFRASTRUCTURE comprises the elements of the 5G network that provide coverage, bandwidth, latency, and reliability for 5G devices such as base stations, mobile backhaul, edge clouds, and core networks, as well as the end devices on which the 5G network will be used. IMPACT can be achieved in two dimensions: – Economic impact: employment (payroll), economic output, profits, and investment – Social impact: health, education, livelihood, air quality, greenhouse gas levels, land use and biodiversity, waste management, water consumption, and water quality. The actual and perceived end-to-end SECURITY of 5G infrastructure, devices and uses will be a key factor for end users, enterprises and public institutions when deciding to move their activities to 5G. According to Gartner, the number of connected DEVICES (sensors, smartphones) in use will increase to 25 billion by 2021, from 14.2 billion in 2019, creating stronger sectorial dependencies on the networks. The devices must be able to support much greater performances and need to exist in a variety of form factors to support the new 5G-enabled use cases and business models. 5G represents an opportunity for connectivity providers 5G ecosystem to improve network leadership by being the first movers and competitively positioning themselves to deliver key SERVICES across diverse geographies. However, subscriber-based business models need to be transformed to enable digital services that support the roadmaps of enterprises across sectors. Involving non-traditional stakeholders across industries would be required to create partnership-based ecosystems and achieve the deployment of 5G networks more quickly. actions to occur in each of these areas to initiate and maintain momentum. The 5G Ecosystem Cycle aims to represent the need for stakeholder collaboration and alignment throughout the ecosystem, including coordinated decision-making that will have repercussions on the ecosystem’s subsequent components. ?

Role of all stakeholders in providing the following ingredients:

?1.???Local permits and planning for spectrum usage Auctions and high fees for spectrum procurement, Fragmentation during allocations of spectrum Infrastructure.

2.????Fiber backhauls, like, capacity, availability, deployment cost, and long-distance reach, new funding models for fiber deployment/ownership, small cell deployments, and local permits and planning Devices.

3.????Availability of devices compatible with local spectrum and allocations, and in line with harmonized global standards, and Lack of clear roadmap for device manufacturers' Services

4.????Guidelines and standards related to data exchange across borders, ??Experience gained from the integration with new technologies (AI, big data, IoT), ?Lack of incentives for cross-industry collaborations Skills upgrade of service provider resources Impact, ?Limited focus on societal and environmental benefits due to 5G, and disintegration of benefits provided by 5G vs benefits by other IT technologies Security.

5.???Security of personal data collection, Device vulnerability, Network data transmission vulnerabilities, $13.2 trillion Annual Global Economic Output by 2035, Info & Comms $1.6 T, Wholesale/Retail $1.2 T, Public Services $1.0 T, Manufacturing $4.7 T, and other $4.7 T.

6.????Economic and social value, to incentivize them to collaborate on addressing the challenges of widespread 5G deployment, stakeholders’ awareness of and alignment on the potential economic and social value of 5G.

7.???Intelligent connectivity, enabled by 5G, to be used as a catalyst for socio-economic growth in the 4th IR with an estimated $13.2 trillion of global economic value reached by 2035.

It also assumes that the global 5G network investment cycle will be longer than 4G, indicating the coexistence of 4G and 5G remain till the 2030s. When united with technology solutions, like, IoT, AI, or big data, 5G keeps the potential to deliver large-scale societal value. It will support 137,000 jobs in Switzerland alone and create an economic output of 42.4 billion Swiss francs by 2030.8 According to a European Commission Study conducted in 2016, the possible economic yield of 5G is estimated to be €141 billion with 2.3 million jobs created in the 28 Member States of the European Union. While significant research confirms the macroeconomic potential of future networks, a wide range of socioeconomic benefits that 5 G-enabled applications could provide and that will increase the demand for 5G networks are not being fully considered at the initial stage.

?Brilliant Machines succeeds to administrate a cloud-based software for the design, simulation, and adoption of the conformation and instructions used to organize, rearrange form and track any number of physical production lines for assembly, enabling augmented operations. This software replaces traditional assembly processes. The key benefits realized through this software, applied in a North American factory, are: – Defect rates reduced parts per million (PPM) by 88%. – Unit production increased by 33% per hour. – Assembly-line staff could be reduced by 50%. Current state short term (1-3 years) Long term (3+ years) Speed: 1-5 Gbps.

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The IMC 2022 is scheduled to be held from the 1st to the 4th of October 2022 with the theme of “New digital Universe”. It is an assembly of leading thinkers, entrepreneurs, innovators, and government officials to discuss and showcase unique opportunities emerging from the rapid adoption.

Steering in a new technological era, on 1st October 2022, the PM, Shri Narendra Modi initiated the expected revolutionized version coined as 5G services in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. Further, officially introduced the ceremony of the sixth edition of the India Mobile Congress (IMC) and also saw personally the IMC Exhibition that was to be a part of the occasion. Surely, we are surprised to have tremendous incredible high internet speed with a complete minimum latency of 5g to improve such technology looking for application yet to be found. The only concrete application appears to be faster video downloads, games, and autonomous vehicles, to date. The three major telecom operators of the country demonstrated one use case each in front of the Prime Minister to show the potential of 5G technology in India.

Addressing the gathering by the PM

He said that the Summit today might be global but its repercussions and directions are local. He said today is a special day for the fast-developing India of the 21st century. “Today, 130 crore Indians are getting a wonderful gift in the form of 5G from the country and from the telecom industry of the country. 5G is a knock on the doors of a new era in the country. 5G is the beginning of an infinite sky of opportunities. ?He expressed satisfaction that in this launch of 5G and the march of technology, rural areas and workers are equal partners.

Stressing one more message of the 5G launch, he proclaimed that New India will not remain a mere consumer of technology, but India will play an active role in the development and implementation of that technology. India will play a big role in designing the future wireless technology and manufacturing related to it. India was dependent on other countries for 2G, 3G, and 4G technologies. But with 5G, India has created a new history. With 5G, India is setting a global standard in telecom technology for the first time. Describing Digital India, he said that some people think that this is just a government scheme. But Digital India is not just a name, it is a big vision for the development of the country. The goal of this vision is to bring that technology to the common people, which works for the people, and works by connecting with the people. Focusing on the need for a holistic approach to Digital India, he elaborated that we focused on 4 Pillars, in four directions at once. First, the price of the device, Second, digital connectivity, Third, the cost of data, Fourth, and most importantly, the idea of 'digital first. Regarding the first pillar, he said that the low cost of devices can only be achieved through Aatmnirbharta. Furthered recalled that there were only two mobile manufacturing units in India till eight years ago. These numbers have now gone up to 200. He underlined that from exporting zero mobile phones in 2014, today we have become a mobile phone exporting country worth thousands of crores. Naturally, all these efforts have had an impact on the cost of the device. Now we have started getting more features at a lower cost. On the second pillar of digital connectivity, he informed that internet users have increased to 80 crores from 6 crores in 2014. From less than 100 panchayats in 2014 now 1.7 lakh panchayats are connected by optical fiber. Just as the government started a door-to-door campaign to provide electricity, worked on the mission of providing clean water to everyone through the Har Ghar Jal Abhiyan, and delivered gas cylinders to the poorest of the poorest people through the Ujjwala scheme, our government is working in a similar manner on the goal of the Internet for all. Regarding the third pillar, the cost of data, he said that the industry was given a slew of incentives, and technologies like 4G received policy support. This brought down the price of data and a data revolution was ushered in the country. These three pillars started showing their multiplier effect everywhere.

?On the topic of the fourth pillar i.e., the Idea of 'Digital First', he further recalled the time when a handful of the elite class questioned if the poor would even understand the meaning of digital and doubted their potential, but he always had faith in the understanding, wisdom and inquisitive mind of the common man of the country. He said that he always found the poor of the country ready to adopt new technologies. Highlighting the government’s efforts in the field of digital payments, it was the government that went ahead and made the way for digital payments easier. “The government itself promoted citizen-centric delivery service through the app. Whether it is about farmers or small shopkeepers, we have given them a way to meet their daily needs through the app”. He recounted the seamless continuation of DBT, education, vaccination and health services, and work-from-home during the pandemic when many countries were finding it difficult to keep these services going. Referring Digital India has given a platform that small traders, small entrepreneurs, local artists, and artisans can now market to everyone. He added, “Today you go to a local market or vegetable market and see, even a small street vendor will tell you, not to transact in cash, but via 'UPI'.” “This shows, when a facility is available, thinking also gets emboldened”.

If the government works with clean intentions, the intentions of citizens also undergo change. “This is the key difference in the intention (niyat) of 2G and 5G. The cost of data is among the lowest in the world. It has come down from 300 rupees per GB to about 10 rupees per GB. Remarking on the consumer-centric focused efforts of the government, the cost of data in India has remained very low due. The Prime Minister interjected, “It is a different matter that we did not make a fuss about, and did not launch big advertisements. We focused on how the convenience and Ease of Living of the people of the country increased.” India may not have benefitted from the first three industrial revolutions, but I am confident that India will take full benefit of the 4th industrial revolution and, in fact, will lead it. He informed that the use of 5G technology will not be limited to speedy internet access, but it has the capability to change lives. We will see the promises of the technology realized in our lifetimes. He urged the leaders of the telecom industry association to visit the schools and colleges of the country and unleash every aspect of this new technology. They have to create an enabling ecosystem for MSMEs to prepare spare parts for electronic manufacturing. 5G technology should be used to bring about a revolution in the country. The use of drone technology has been made possible after the newly launched Drone Policy. He pointed out that many farmers have learned how to fly drones and started making use of them to spray insecticides and pesticides in the fields. He assured one and all that India of the future will guide the world in the upcoming technology sector, in turn making India a global leader.

?Demonstration of various use cases live to the PM

Reliance Jio connected a teacher from a school in Mumbai, with students in three different locations in Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Odisha. This demonstrated how 5G will facilitate education by bringing teachers closer to students, obliviating the physical distance between them. It also demonstrated the power of AR on screen and how that is being used to teach children across the country, remotely, without the need for an AR device. The PM was keenly involved and interacted with the students and others. Finally, he noted the enthusiasm of the students for technology in education.

Views of Industry leaders expressed on this momentous occasion

?Shri Mukesh Ambani, Chairman, Reliance

Acknowledged the PM's contribution to inspiring the vision of a developed nation by 2047. He respected each action and policy of the GOI under the leadership of farsighted and determined Shri Narendra Modi skillfully constructed to thrust India providing convincing proof towards that goal of fast-track India’s march into the 5G. ?He recounted the possibilities of 5G in key areas like education, climate, etc. which raised India’s prestige, profile, and power globally like never before. In today’s fast-changing world there will be no stopping a resurgent India from soaring to the top.

Shri Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman, Bharti Enterprise

He pronounced that the launch of 5G is the beginning of a new era and since it is happening during Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, it makes it even more special. “With the efforts of the Prime Minister, this will usher new energy in the country. We are fortunate to have a leader in the Prime Minister who understands technology very minutely and deployed that to the development of the country in an unmatched manner”. ?Further, he added that it will open up a sea of opportunities for people, especially in our rural areas. He recalled the Prime Minister's initiatives in the field of infrastructure and technology inspired and conceived from his Gujarat CM days. He said that during the pandemic, traffic shifted to villages and homes and the country's heartbeat did not stop even for a second. Credit for that goes to the digital vision. He also admired the audacity and achievement of the vision of Make in India. “Along with Digital India, the PM also took forward the Start-up India campaign, and soon enough, India started producing unicorns and created the most possible with the advent of 5G, the country will add many more unicorns in the world.

|Shri Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman, Aditya Birla Group

Stated the advent of 5G a transformational event that proves India’s prowess on the global stage and reiterates the role of telecom technology as the bedrock of India's growth. He paid tribute to the PM for his vision and leadership for a generational leap in technology that has resulted in India making a mark on the global stage. He also thanked the PM for his inspirational role in supporting the telecom industry during the ongoing pandemic and for the path-breaking telecom reforms in the industry. He said that the launch of 5G marks the beginning of an exciting journey for India. We will see limitless potential for 5G development and use cases in the years to come.


Possessing a quality of high capacity and ultra-low latency, efforts 5G will prove (AI) and IoT applications a major boost across a range of industries and use cases. Consumers will observe changes including more immersive gaming and upgraded retail experiences. As enterprises use 5G as a channel to process and analyze more data, the business value is expected to be created across a wide range of industries.?Next-gen wireless network abilities offer the potential for ground-breaking applications extending far beyond smartphones and other mobile devices. A new range of 5G applications, and use cases (specific situations in which a product or service could potentially be used) that touch connectivity, intelligent edge, and IoT technologies will benefit all, from gamers to governments. The 5th generation of wireless technology (5G) epitomizes the changing face of connectivity. Intended for maximum speed and capacity, this has the power to immensely expand how data is moved and will enable a wide range of new applications and use cases to improve beyond the scope of smartphone applicability. From the advent of the IoTs to revolutionary advances in how AI is used in the real world, many of tomorrow’s most exciting technological advances will depend on 5G connectivity. Therefore, engineers were so fascinated by broad 5G rollouts, they continued hard work consistently on applications and devices that will multipurpose novel use of the?potential of 5G.?

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5G technology will power a wide range of future industries from retail to education, transportation to entertainment, and smart homes to healthcare. It will make mobile more essential than it is today. Researchers predict the global, social, and economic impact of 5G, which will benefit entire economies and societies. It is expected to produce trillions worth of revenue in the coming years. The term “IoT” was coined in 1999 but in terms of abstract. After some decades, all from home thermostats to smart city sensors hinge on IoT technology. Now, the 5G and IoT blend will produce the possibility of innovative applications making it impossible to possible within a few years. 5G’s capacity of low latency and high network capacity aids to eradicate the biggest limitations to IoT expansion. A device having the real-time capacity to sense and respond,?5G and IoT?are a usual pairing that will impact almost all spheres of Industries and users.

?1. High-speed mobile network

5G will revolutionize the mobile experience with a supercharged wireless network, which can support up to 10 to 20 GBPS of data download speed. It is equivalent to a fiber-optic Internet connection accessed wirelessly. Compared to conventional mobile transmission technologies, voice and high-speed data can be simultaneously transferred efficiently in 5G. Low latency is one of the most important features of 5G technology which is significant for autonomous driving and mission-critical applications. 5G networks are capable of latency of less than a millisecond. It will be using new radio millimeter waves for transmission. It has a much higher bandwidth compared to lower LTE bands and is capable of a huge data rate. Mobile downloads will be much faster, always-on, always connected, and responsive mobile Internet offer a powerful mobile experience. 5G networks will enable secure access to cloud storage; access to enterprise applications, and run powerful tasks with greater processing power virtually. 5G wireless technology will open greater opportunities for new device manufacturers and application developers. New VoIP devices and smart devices will be introduced in the market and thus more job opportunities as well. Wi-Fi offloading and device-to-device communication techniques are suggested to further enhance network performance and support during limited access or the absence of mobile networks. The small cell concept used in 5G will have multiple advantages of better cell coverage, maximum data transfer, low power consumption, cloud access network, etc.

2. Entertainment and multimedia

Analysts found that 55 percent of mobile Internet traffic has been used for video downloads globally in 2015. This trend will increase in the future and high-definition video streaming will be common in the future. It will offer a high-definition virtual world on your mobile phone. High-speed streaming of 4K videos only takes a few seconds and it can support crystal clear audio clarity. Live events can be streamed via a wireless network with high definition. HD TV channels can be accessed on mobile devices without any interruptions. The entertainment industry will hugely benefit from 5G wireless networks. It can provide 120 frames per second, high resolution, and higher dynamic range video streaming without interruption. The audiovisual experience will be rewritten after the implementation of the latest technologies powered by 5G wireless. AR and VR require HD video with low latency. 5G network is powerful enough to power AR and VR with an amazing virtual experience. HD virtual reality games are getting popular and many companies are investing in VR-based gaming. High-speed 5G networks can offer a better gaming experience with high-speed Internet.

3. Internet of Things – Connecting everything

The Internet of Things (IoT) is another broad area for development using a supercharged 5G wireless network. The Internet of Things will connect every object, appliance, sensor, device, and application to the Internet. IoT applications will collect huge amounts of data from millions of devices and sensors. It requires an efficient network for data collection, processing, transmission, control, and real-time analytics. 5G is the most efficient candidate for the Internet of Things due to its flexibility, unused spectrum availability, and low-cost solutions for deployment. IoT can benefit from 5G networks in many areas:

3.1 Smart Home

Smart home appliances and products are catching up in the market today. The smart home concept will utilize 5G networks for device connectivity and monitoring of applications. 5G wireless network will be utilized by smart appliances which can be configured and accessed from remote locations, closed-circuit cameras will provide high-quality real-time video for security purposes.

3.2 Logistics and shipping

The logistics and shipping industry can make use of smart 5G technology for goods tracking, fleet management, centralized database management, staff scheduling, and real-time delivery tracking and reporting. Compared to conventional mobile networks (3G / LTE), 5G has a faster network with the capability to connect more devices at any given time. It offers assistance in Logistics such as Efficient use of RFID tags, accelerated packing and labeling, Use of smart tracking devices for accurate monitoring of temperature, shock, light exposure, humidity, etc., Real-time GPS location tracking and reporting, Efficient monitoring minimizes theft risk and misplacing of items, Realtime delivery tracking and reporting, and Self-driving cars and drones for future goods delivery

3.3 Smart cities

Smart city applications like traffic management, Instant weather update, local area broadcasting, energy management, smart power grid, smart lighting of the street, water resource management, crowd management, emergency response, etc. Can use a reliable 5G wireless network for its functioning.

3.4 Industrial IoT

Future industries will depend on smart wireless technologies like 5G and LTE advanced for efficient automation of equipment, predictive maintenance, safety, process tracking, smart packing, shipping, logistics, and energy management. Smart sensor technology offers unlimited solutions for industrial IoT for smarter, safe, cost-effective, and energy-efficient industrial operations.

3.5 Smart farming

5G technology will be used for agriculture and smart farming in the future. Using smart RFID sensors and GPS technology, farmers can track the location of livestock and manage them easily. Smart sensors can be used for irrigation control, access control, and energy management.

3.6 Fleet management

Many companies are using smart tracking devices for fleet management, 5G technology will provide much better solutions for location tracking and fleet management.

3.7 Healthcare and mission-critical applications

5G technology will support medical practitioners to perform advanced medical procedures with a reliable wireless network connected to another side of the globe. Connected classrooms will help students to attend seminars and important lecturers. People with chronic medical conditions will benefit from smart devices and real-time monitoring. Doctors can connect with patients from anywhere anytime and advise them when necessary. Scientists are working on smart medical devices which can perform remote surgery.

The healthcare industry has to integrate all its operations with the use of a powerful network. 5G will power the healthcare industry with smart medical devices, the Internet of medical things, smart analytics, and high-definition medical imaging technologies. Smart medical devices like wearables will continuously monitor a patient’s condition and activate alerts during emergencies. Hospitals and ambulance services will get alerts during critical situations and they can take necessary steps to speed up diagnosis and treatment. Patients with special needs can be tracked using special tags and precise location-tracking devices. Healthcare databases can be accessed from any location collected data analysis can be used for research and improvement of treatments. Medical practitioners will be able to share large files like an MRI report which is often larger than 1GB size within seconds using a 5G network.

3.8 Autonomous Driving

Self-driving cars are not very far from reality with the use of 5G wireless networks. High-performance wireless network connectivity with low latency is significant for autonomous driving. In the future, cars can communicate with smart traffic signs, surrounding objects, and other vehicles on the road. Every millisecond is important for self-driving vehicles, decision has to be made in split second to avoid collision and make sure passenger safety.

3.9 Drone Operation

Drones are getting popular for multiple operations ranging from entertainment, video capturing, medical and emergency access, smart delivery solutions, security, surveillance, etc. 5G network will provide strong support with high-speed wireless internet connectivity for drone operation in a wide range of applications. During emergencies like natural calamities, humans have limited access to many areas where drones can reach out and collect useful information.

3.10 Security and surveillance

5G wireless technology is one of the best solutions for security and surveillance due to its higher bandwidth and unlicensed spectrum.

4. Satellite Internet

High-speed 5G network connectivity using satellite is one of the most significant improvements in internet technology for remote areas where conventional ground base stations are not available. Satellite internet technology offers connectivity in urban and rural areas across the globe with the help of a constellation of thousands of small satellites.

5. 5G technology and the telecom sector

The deployment of 5G core and the transition to 5G standalone (SA) operation – i.e., 5G without a dependency on 4G – is proving harder and taking longer than many in the industry, including me, had anticipated. In the meantime, 5G non-standalone (NSA) – i.e., where 5G supplements a 4G network – is scaling very rapidly and will support over a billion subscribers by the end of this year. It is the case that some operators have launched 5G core and SA, albeit in a limited way (e.g., T-Mobile US, Vodafone Germany and Netherlands, Korea Telecom), and more will deploy over the next year or two. But others have reset their schedules (no names), and many more are taking a wait-and-see approach, perhaps running trials and selecting vendors but holding off on the major deployment. In a nutshell, in the words of one anonymous operator CTO, "because it's difficult."The 5G core remains a critical part of the 5G architecture.

?The key issues are as under:

1.)?Cloud native infrastructure:?Developing cloud-native infrastructure and the associated operations model is proving harder than most operators had expected. It certainly is not a straight-line evolution from a virtual core, but a re-architecting and re-building of the entire core platform, which in practice often means the wider telco cloud platform. You can do your own math on that.

2.)?Implementing the 5G core:?This is proving difficult for two reasons: 1) Mapping the 3GPP architecture to a cloud-native infrastructure (as above); and 2) all the new interfaces, protocols, network functions, signaling, subscriber databases, monitoring systems, routing technologies and so on and so on, that must be introduced. Kudos to the vendor and operator teams working on this – it is a huge lift.

3.)?5G RAN coverage:?To operate an SA network, coverage needs to be good enough to support control plane signaling and uplink traffic, which means a footprint somewhat equivalent to 4G. This, by definition, is a huge investment that takes time. To give them their credit, operators are embracing this challenge with gusto and making great progress. In most cases, SA will require at least one low-band 5G frequency carrier to handle indoor and other cell edge users, aggregated with a mid-band carrier for capacity.

4.)?Carrier aggregation and spectrum refarming:?Two carrier aggregation (2CA) is a start, but it is not enough; operators need more. The beauty of 5G NSA is that operators were able to double their capacity overnight. With marketing teams fixated on the latest performance benchmarking report (Yay, we do 1Gbit/s!), operators need to match the amount of spectrum in NSA – and that means more 5G carriers. 4CA is probably a good threshold for mass-market SA, with many and various additional 5G CA combinations to follow. The challenge is that each evolution requires device and RAN vendor support – which often means a new generation of device silicon, new RAN software, and perhaps new radio deployments. And then, the operator must think very strategically about spectrum refarming over a multiyear period. This is, to put it mildly, not simple.

5.)?SA-capable devices:?SA is now available in high-end phones and chipsets, but initially with limited capabilities and not yet in any Internet of things (IoT) modules to speak of. New SA-capable devices will permeate the subscriber base over time, but the mass-market tipping point still looks ways away in many markets. Of course, this is also a device OS issue – has anyone heard from Apple lately about its plans to support network slicing?

6.)?Requirement of a service differentiator:?If the lowest spectrum band is allocated to 5G spectrum, it might need SA for Voice over NR (VoNR), but that is not really going to blow the doors off the marketing department. ??The edge services, network slicing, predictable low latency, cloud integration, XR, metaverse, wearables, industrial IoT, and connected cars have potential. But these SA-enabled services need time and experimentation.


In order to get 5G connectivity, one must have a 5G-enabled smartphone/ tablet. A report says that 9.7% of smartphones in use in India are 5G-capable. When 4G was launched, telecom providers started disseminating 4G SIM cards to people in India. A 4G SIM can work in 5G-powered phones but is unable to leverage the 5G capabilities to the fullest. To enjoy the 5G network to its maximum potential, one is required to have a 5G SIM with a 5G phone.

Likely Tariffs, Availability, And More

5G is the next-generation mobile network capability that can facilitate the transmission of a large set of data at a high speed. 5G has low latency (efficiency to process a certain volume of data with a minimal delay) as compared to 3G and 4G and will enhance user experiences in various sectors. 5G has the potential to be up to 10 times faster than 4G. The?5G rollout?is also expected to bring more development in remote data monitoring in sectors such as mining, warehousing, telemedicine, and manufacturing, among others. Another sector where 5G will benefit customers is edge computing. The companies will initially launch 5G in a few cities across the country, these include Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Jamnagar, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, and Pune. This means that not all users will get access to the 5G service this year.

The telecom giants have not revealed the pricing details but they will be on par with that of 4G prepaid plans, as per Ashwini Vaishnav, Union Electronics and Information Technology Minister. telecom carriers in India are expected to invest around $19.5 billion in the development of advanced infrastructure for 5G by 2025.


5G is one of the most sophisticated wireless technologies we have ever developed so far. It will revolutionize the entire area where the wireless network can be used for efficient and secure communication. The socioeconomic impact of 5G has yet to be analyzed. However, it will make a significant impact on every area where wireless transmission is inevitable.

? PM inaugurates 6th edition of India Mobile Congress

“5G is a knock on the doors of a new era in the country. 5G is the beginning of an infinite sky of opportunities”

“New India will not remain a mere consumer of technology, but India will play an active role in the development and implementation of that technology”

“With 5G, India is setting a global standard in telecom technology for the first time”

“From exporting zero mobile phones in 2014, today we have become a mobile phone exporting country worth thousands of crores”

“I always had full faith in the understanding, wisdom and inquisitive mind of the common man of the country”

“Digital India has given a platform to small traders, small entrepreneurs, local artists and artisans”

“5G technology will not be limited to speedy internet access, but it has the capability to change lives”

Ashutosh K.

Ex banker, Now self-employed, MD &CEO of Kumar Group of companies, Author of many books.

2 年

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