#59 September 2nd, 2022

#59 September 2nd, 2022

Thought of the newsletter: I want to encourage you not go into your days aimlessly without goals or objectives. Too many people are passive in terms of planning their upcoming weeks, which means they are much less likely to make progress on what actually matters to them. Only taking what comes at you from other sources is a great way to let others dominate your inbox and your calendar. What do you actually want to get done on the projects that matter most to you?

How many sales calls do you want to make this week?

How many tax returns on extension do you need to get through?

Which CPA chapters or multiple-choice questions do you need to master?

which friend or family member do you need to try to reconnect with?

Be purposeful and intentional about blocking time off on your calendar for the real needle moving goals in your life. If you do not prioritize your life other people will be happy to do it for you.

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Personally I can tell a huge difference in my sleep quality if I’m able to wind down before bed and go through a?routine, as opposed to going straight from being on my phone to trying to sleep. This article has tactics you can try to incorporate into your pre-sleep routine that’ll set you up for success on the next day. Unsurprisingly, practicing gratitude is on the list. It’s a cliche for a reason, and I’m telling yiu it really does makes a difference in the energy and mindset you will carry that day. A lot of the tactics are around preparing for all the tasks you have to do tomorrow. Don’t get too lost in creating a to do list, but have some idea of 2-3 main things you’ll want to accomplish tomorrow. Visualize yourself being successful at those things. Expect that success and expect them to go well, but also think through how you’ll deal with challenges if you know some are coming.?

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How to Practice Self-Compassion Through Anger - Purpose Project, Inc.

Anger. We’ve all experienced it and felt it, and we’ve all realized how unproductive it is. It puts us on the defensive and clouds our judgment. This article has advice on what to do when dealing with this unpleasant feeling. We need to give compassion both to ourselves and others. It’s unavoidable that we’re going to feel anger at some points. Also, you would never want someone to be angry with you right? So likewise the person you’re angry with almost certainly didn’t intend for that to happen. The next thing to do is explore if there is another feeling at work beneath the anger. Are you actually scared, hurt, sad, something else? Anger rarely acts alone. Dealing with the underlying feeling will often cure the anger too.?

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5 Things We Pursue in the Simple Life

Our lives can easily get cluttered with so many demands on our time, so much stuff in our possession, and the result may be we feel like we don’t have time for what really matters. This article talks about what you could focus on if you were able to simplify more. You could invest in important relationships, and we know that’s what will really matter at the end of the day. You could try different hobbies to try to find one that gives you energy or joy. You could make sure you’re taking care of your mental and physical well being, and we know those will suffer when your life is too cluttered. Lastly, you may have the freedom to give more of your time and resources to others. I don’t know about you but all of those things sound way better than filling my life and time with more demands.

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The Keto Diet in a Nutshell | FITNITIATIVE

The Keto diet has been all the rage these last few years. We’ve all seen the various types of products that are getting transformed into a low carb high fat alternative version. Many may have wondered if they should give keto a try, which is exactly what this article answers. The author does a great job explaining that in most cases the benefits of keto are because it creates a caloric deficit, not necessarily because it is high fat. You will lose weight on any diet if you’re in a caloric deficit, and fatty foods make you feel more full so you’ll probably eat less. The trade off to consider is if you can sustain following the keto diet and the restrictions that come with it. You need to be able to keep the weight off after you lose it.?

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Lessons and principles on motivation:

  • Motivation is not always going to be present. Some days you will either have to create it or have the discipline to do what needs to be done regardless?of how you feel.
  • If you’re procrastinating a lot, pay attention to what you do when you procrastinate. That may offer clues towards what you really care about. Sometimes we aren’t motivated because what we are procrastinating on just isn’t impotent to us.?
  • If you are endlessly running into walls motivation wise maybe you need to reconsider if you’re striving for the goal out of obligation rather than something you actually want to achieve


