#59: Creating a YouTube Video to Pitch Your Business (series 1/2)

#59: Creating a YouTube Video to Pitch Your Business (series 1/2)

How do I say all I need to about JNP's business, brand, products and customer-reach in 60-seconds or less? It's not so easy, but can be done.

My business mentor came across a for-profit pitch investment opportunity which required a presentation pitch video in the application. I was apprehensive about doing a video, because this quarter's budget did not have allocations for video pitches. To save money, I shot it myself with my iPhone 6, and edited it in iMovie on a Mac. Click here to watch the video.


The hardest part, was creating the content. I went through 6 rounds between me, one of my business mentors, and our lead writer--working to get all the important information into the pitch --10 lbs into a 5 lb bag kind-of-thing. Not easy.

We finally got content down to core value information, but in speaking clearly and slowly, it ran over one-minute by 12 seconds. Now to decide to either cut content, or speak clearly, but quickly, in order to leave in all content. I went with leaving in content and speaking quickly. It took me about 25 takes, literally, to tighten up, and tighten up my time. The video is the last take, and I was tired and needed to refer to my queue card notes taped next to my iPhone (that is why I looked off camera a bit). It is hard to speak under pressure, and still remember all content--so queue cards worked. It is not the most professional: soft (fuzzy) background image, my face is not lit properly, my glasses had a tad of a glare, but, I got it done inexpensively, and it worked just fine as a pitch video.

The video was posted to YouTube on JNP's Channel. I do plan to do some addition "info videos" on the different aspects of JNP's brand components. Shooting them on the iPhone will work just fine.

Next we are planning to shoot a new home page video  to define clearly what the benefits of JNP are to both the caring adult, and of course, the 5-12+ year old child (www.theJNPproject.com) -- that will be done professionally.

Below is my pitch content. It may assist you as an example when you create yours. Good luck!

  1. Hi! I’m Dona Rudderow Sturn, Founder and CEO, of The JNP Project, an international self-esteem movement with products that nurture character, courage, and confidence in ALL kids 5-12+
  2. I am a savvy businesswoman with 25 years experience in top-level positions in the Communications Industry, which has given me the foundation to lead this important effort.
  3. I have coalesced a team of experts to create an exciting illustrated adventure book series, music/songs, parent activity kits, educator curriculum, interactive activities, an interactive website, and more.
  4. Together, we created this content for kids and the adults that want to nurture them.
  5. In creating the JNP brand, I built talented Teams to support product development – An Advisory Committee of highly skilled professionals including doctors, professors, educators, directors, parents, and authors.
    - Our core creative Teams of: Published authors, curriculum developers, behavioral specialists, and marketing and social media professionals from around the world.
  6. JNP is also working together with our non-profit partner, Let’s Help Kids.org to help ensure that all kids have access.
  7. So, “let’s work together” globally to empower kids’ healthy self-esteem.

Join Jane, Jake and all their friends on the adventures to discover your inner awesome, together!

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Note: This Blog is a chronological diary of a start-up-company—The JNP Project’s Journey—reading it from the start, will broaden your understanding of the path we are on, together, and hopefully, positively influence you in some way!

FYI Tip: Don't be fearful of crating a video -- "speaking to the camera" is not easy, and takes practice. I shot mine when nobody else was in the office to distract me. I am now becoming more confident to be filmed and speak about solid content, as apposed to forgetting content because I am trying to remember how to look professional on camera. If I can do it, so can you. Good luck!


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