#59: Creating a YouTube Video to Pitch Your Business (series 1/2)
How do I say all I need to about JNP's business, brand, products and customer-reach in 60-seconds or less? It's not so easy, but can be done.
My business mentor came across a for-profit pitch investment opportunity which required a presentation pitch video in the application. I was apprehensive about doing a video, because this quarter's budget did not have allocations for video pitches. To save money, I shot it myself with my iPhone 6, and edited it in iMovie on a Mac. Click here to watch the video.
The hardest part, was creating the content. I went through 6 rounds between me, one of my business mentors, and our lead writer--working to get all the important information into the pitch --10 lbs into a 5 lb bag kind-of-thing. Not easy.
We finally got content down to core value information, but in speaking clearly and slowly, it ran over one-minute by 12 seconds. Now to decide to either cut content, or speak clearly, but quickly, in order to leave in all content. I went with leaving in content and speaking quickly. It took me about 25 takes, literally, to tighten up, and tighten up my time. The video is the last take, and I was tired and needed to refer to my queue card notes taped next to my iPhone (that is why I looked off camera a bit). It is hard to speak under pressure, and still remember all content--so queue cards worked. It is not the most professional: soft (fuzzy) background image, my face is not lit properly, my glasses had a tad of a glare, but, I got it done inexpensively, and it worked just fine as a pitch video.
The video was posted to YouTube on JNP's Channel. I do plan to do some addition "info videos" on the different aspects of JNP's brand components. Shooting them on the iPhone will work just fine.
Next we are planning to shoot a new home page video to define clearly what the benefits of JNP are to both the caring adult, and of course, the 5-12+ year old child (www.theJNPproject.com) -- that will be done professionally.
Below is my pitch content. It may assist you as an example when you create yours. Good luck!
- Hi! I’m Dona Rudderow Sturn, Founder and CEO, of The JNP Project, an international self-esteem movement with products that nurture character, courage, and confidence in ALL kids 5-12+
- I am a savvy businesswoman with 25 years experience in top-level positions in the Communications Industry, which has given me the foundation to lead this important effort.
- I have coalesced a team of experts to create an exciting illustrated adventure book series, music/songs, parent activity kits, educator curriculum, interactive activities, an interactive website, and more.
- Together, we created this content for kids and the adults that want to nurture them.
- In creating the JNP brand, I built talented Teams to support product development – An Advisory Committee of highly skilled professionals including doctors, professors, educators, directors, parents, and authors.
- Our core creative Teams of: Published authors, curriculum developers, behavioral specialists, and marketing and social media professionals from around the world. - JNP is also working together with our non-profit partner, Let’s Help Kids.org to help ensure that all kids have access.
- So, “let’s work together” globally to empower kids’ healthy self-esteem.
Join Jane, Jake and all their friends on the adventures to discover your inner awesome, together!
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Note: This Blog is a chronological diary of a start-up-company—The JNP Project’s Journey—reading it from the start, will broaden your understanding of the path we are on, together, and hopefully, positively influence you in some way!
FYI Tip: Don't be fearful of crating a video -- "speaking to the camera" is not easy, and takes practice. I shot mine when nobody else was in the office to distract me. I am now becoming more confident to be filmed and speak about solid content, as apposed to forgetting content because I am trying to remember how to look professional on camera. If I can do it, so can you. Good luck!