
Mark 13:32 (NIV)


The Day and Hour Unknown


32?“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.



·????????GLORY OF WISDOM - Unveiling the MYSTERIOUS things inside the HOLY BIBLE inspiring the HOLY SPIRITS OF CHRIST through HOLY SACRAMENTS ?


·????????POWER OF WISDOM – Delivering by HOLY SPIRIT through Gradual SACRIFICE for NEIGHOBRS and NATION and WORLD




·????????YEAR 2020-2024 is day of HOLY SPIRIT (John 16:12-13)





A beginning and ending of everything have been established by God’s Eternal LOVE which means founded by parallel journey of the GLORY OF WISDOM and POWER OF WISDOM and KINGDOM OF WISDOM respectively. It is divided into three criteria of Heavenly POWERS and be fulfilling through Spiritual, Nature and Human activities. In order to understand the impenetrable meaning of Creation, Population and Judgment, Bible readers, students and researchers must be learned first the level of God’s multiple POWERS, as follows;








God has sent his begotten being ransom of both heavenly and earthly sin. Only Jesus-Christ’s Heavenly Name and Love and Power will be interpreting of everything by means using multiple criteria of POWER of the GLORY OF LOVE, as follows;


1.0: GLORY OF WISDOM - revealing in the Angels of God which has written in the Stones, and translated to skins of animals or PAPYRUS and to paper (Holy Scriptures). A HOLY SPIRITS OF CHRIST continuously speaking through DREAMS. Major Prophets of Israel and loved Apostle of Jesus named John were receiver that kind of Gift. And detailing the Prophetic tasks, God’s Spirit continues speaks through TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES as UNIVERSAL WISDOM INTERPRETER or Wi. U




MIND OF WISDOM – Everything has been founded by DREAMS which was begun from Abraham and all Major Prophets and Holy Family through Joseph and Virgin Mary. The virtual role of the MIND OF GOD. See, below;


a)??????PLANNER – Heavens and Times and LIFE has created/designated and came into existing. Therefore, the MIND OF WISDOM is the beginning and ending of every created thing both Eternal and Temporal


b)?????DECISION MAKER – High Spirits of God, High Angels and Low Spirits of Nature and Human Souls and Plants and even Animal’s life will be part of the Seven levels of the UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT


c)??????DIVISION OF GOD’S POWER - The synoptic gospel mentioned about the end of time, and Jesus pointed out his Father as only Judge of everything, even Angels and Son never knows (Mark 13:32)


d)?????HOLY SPIRIT’S CO-INTERPRETER – God has established his WISDOM through SEVEN Spirits of Christ to be explained the entire processes of the UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT. It is by TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES which has been prepared for 54 years (1967-2021), and founded by 75 DREAMS, and supporting by UNIVERSAL MESSAGE SERIES 460s which currently 582 Articles. The distribution of the Article’s will be continued as details of the 251 volumes of Book (https://a.co/bWUfl56)






WORD OF WISDOM – The HOLY BIBLE as source of all WISDOM and POWER and KNOWLEDGE and detailing the UNIVERSAL LAW. The virtual role of the WORD OF GOD and working through HOLY SPIRIT OF CHRIST who speaking to us based on the HOLY BIBLE, as follows;


a)??????CREATOR OF ALL THINGS Visible and invisible


b)?????SOURCE OF LIFE Visible and Invisible


c)??????The Seven Sacraments of the CATHOLIC CHURCH be completed based on the POWER OF COVENANT OF JESU-CHRIST established in the LAST SUPPER under NEW TESTAMENT. In Liturgy of Holy Eucharist, the Baptism of Water will be done to be the BODY under BROTHERHOOD OF CHRIST


d)?????The HOMILY of Priest called to as Liturgy of the Word is Power of God’s Law called to as BAPTISM OF FIRE which is seen between Jesus and two travelers to EMMAUS. Listening therefore of the Homily is transferring the MIND OF CHRIST to the believer refers as Baptized Body. Hence, by two criteria of Baptism, a believer become the Bearer of the HOLY VOICE OF GOD, and will be delivered to VOTE as BUILDER OF CHRIST NATION


e)??????VATICAN HIERARCHY – All Nations must be Baptized both by Holy Bible and Sacrament of the Baptism through HOLY EUCHARIST. The highest or Universal power is headed by Pope downs to Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Laities and Believers (UNIVERSAL BODY OF CHRIST)


f)??????UNIVERSAL SOCIETY BAPTISM refers as NATION OF GOD – It has been established in historic Papal visit to American mainland on August 22-27, 2015 headed by Pope Francis and 44th US POTUS BARACK H. OBAMA in WHITE HOUSE, and US CONGRESS and 70th founding Anniversary of the UNITED NATIONS headed by UNSG Antonio Guterres


g)?????UNIVERSAL SOCIETY BAPTISM as FAMILY OF GOD – The 266th Pope or 265th successor of St. Peter (Mathew 16:16-20) will be established one NATION and MIND of God through Christ. He has initiated the SYNOD OF BISHOPS in Vatican City next year 2023. Otherwise, all religious institutions and leaders and Nations will be part of the UNIVERSAL SOCIETY OF CHRIST and working under one FAMILY founded by DIVINE LOVE. This is restoration of the broken GARDEN OF PARADISE (the planet earth under the power of Human race). VATICAN CITY is running with two parallel mandate and power, “STATE and Mother of the Catholic Church”. Being the mother of Humanity by means virtually powering by Virgin Mary who is conquering against the power of Dragon (Revelation chapter 12), it is time to return all rebels sons of God to one HOLY NATION of CHRIST (Revelation chapter 21) and be inheriting SATELLITE THRONES (Revelation 3:18-22)


h)?????VATICAN INTERPRETER – Theologians and Philosophers and Scientists were fulfilling the multiple tasks under PROPHETIC LANGUAGE


e)??????HOLY SPIRIT’S CO-INTERPRETER - God has established his WISDOM through SEVEN Spirits of Christ to be explained the entire processes of the UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT. It is the task of TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES which has prepared for 54 years (1967-2021) and founded by 75 DREAMS. The task is augmenting by UNIVERSAL MESSAGE SERIES 460s which comprises of 582 Articles, and distribution of Article’s to the entire World will be continued; and detailing the 251 volumes of Book (https://a.co/bWUfl56)





HANDS OF WISDOM is the Power of God as instruments and be used in visible creation and temporary life of everything. In Jesus death and Resurrection, the SEVEN SPIRITS of God has sent out to earth and dwelling in our hearts and working by minds through CONSCIENCE for gradual understanding about GLORY and LIFE (Revelation 5:6). And Hand’s role for life can be determined the following;


a)??????POWER OF MIND - Prophets and Apostles and Theologians written or rewrites the HOLY SCRIPTURES based on the power of HANDS


b)?????POWER OF KNOWLEDGE – Priests, Theologians, Philosophers and Historians has been recorded the Divine Law based on Hands by means long STUDIES in Schools or self-experiences


c)??????POWER OF VOICE – All State Citizens were writing the names of the candidate being BEARER OF THE HOLY VOICE OF GOD through Hands, by means establishing the NATION OF CHRIST under DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT


d)?????POWER OF LEADERSHIPS – In inauguration day, a new elected of State has three vows, “LEFT HAND is laying upon the HOLY BIBLE to be true partner of the CATHOLIC CHURCH’S HIERARCHY and mission. And the RIGHT HAND is raising before the people which symbolizes the Power of God against the enemies (See, Moses law). And last one is the promise by saying, “SO HELP ME GOD”, which is bow of obedience and humility, and begging God’s companionship. Otherwise, everything has nothing without God


e)??????POWER OF LAW – All Lawmakers under National institution, Regional institution, Global institution and Universal institution will be creating new order like EO, IRR, etc. for unity and peace and progress of all Nations


f)??????HOLY SPIRIT’S CO-INTERPRETER - God has established his WISDOM through SEVEN Spirits of Christ to be explained the entire processes of the UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT. It is by TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES which has prepared for 54 years (1967-2021) founded by 75 DREAMS, and supporting by UNIVERSAL MESSAGE SERIES 460s which presently delivered 582 Articles. And more Articles will be distributing to all Nations as details of the 251 volumes of Book (https://a.co/bWUfl56)



Luke 23:46

New International Version

46?Jesus called out with a loud voice,?“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”[a]?When he had said this, he breathed his last.


1.1: POWER OF WISDOM – Delivering by HOLY SPIRIT to believer after Gradual SACRIFICE for NEIGHOBRS and NATION and WORLD


The WORD OF WISDOM is overall foundation of all activities under UNIVERSAL SOCIETY OF CHRIST. Therefore, the HOLY BIBLE as foundation of all NATIONS’ Law. It is means that the DOGMA of the STATE’S PARENTHOOD must be established prior on current way of powers and leaderships. And Journeys of Natures and Human race is part of the partnerships between WORD OF WISDOM and HANDS OF WISDOM. It is indicated that all KNOWLEDGE from all experts and Wealth of the wealthiest and Power of all Leaders will be fulfilled by mutual interest, which is to help and share to the poor people and Nation respectively.


Everything will be changed its rules of powers and direction defending on the necessities of Peoples and Nations. However, any changes must be founded by the HOLY BIBLE’S POWER and WISDOM.




FOR NOW, the World is confused about the definition, meanings of every Word and written in HOLY BIBLE. There are many versions, editions, translations, etc. and many false preachers and teachers using the HOLY BIBLE for belly and pockets. They’re abandoning the CATHOLIC CHURCH and reestablishing their owns understandings which resulting of divisions of the WORLD. They’re accusing the CHURCH by their own way and many of the stubborn and fools’ believers were misleading. St. Paul and Loved Apostle of Jesus (John) and Peter has warned about them.


2 Peter 3:13-17 (NIV)

13?But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth,?where righteousness dwells.

14?So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless?and at peace with him.?15?Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience?means salvation,?just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.?16?He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable?people distort,?as they do the other Scriptures,?to their own destruction.

17?Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard?so that you may not be carried away by the error?of the lawless?and fall from your secure position.


1 John 2:18-26 (NIV)


Warnings Against Denying the Son

18?Dear children, this is the last hour;?and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming,?even now many antichrists have come.?This is how we know it is the last hour.?19?They went out from us,?but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.

20?But you have an anointing?from the Holy One,?and all of you know the truth.[a]?21?I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it?and because no lie comes from the truth.?22?Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.?23?No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

24?As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning?remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.?25?And this is what he promised us—eternal life.

26?I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray.





PROPHETIC LANGUAGE (Creation and Population)

1.??????MIND II - Theological process based on history of the Israelites and Jesus life

2.??????MIND I - Philosophical process based on Religious and State activities

3.??????MIND O - Scientific process based on the right direction of the modern-day technology (Science, Business, Computer, Engineering and Innovation). And everything for the continuing life of the people under preparations of the Heavenly Kingdom


PROPHETIC SYMBOL (Law and Evaluation)

4.??????MIND III - Mathematical Symbols for Creation

5.??????MIND III - Biblical Numbers for Creation and Judgments

6.??????MIND III - Physical Symbols for distribution of WISDOM and Power and Knowledge

7.??????MIND III – Heavenly Journey of Powers



8.??????MIND VI – Nature’s Law, Animals and Plants, low Spirits and Low Angels (Judgment under Book of Law and Knowledge)


9.??????MIND IV – Journey of Time (1. Glory’s Year, 2. Wisdom Year, 3. Trinity Year, 4. Divine Year, 5. Angelic Year, 6. Solar Year and 7. Liturgical Year)


10.??MIND V – High Spirits of Kingships, Low Spirits of Citizenships, High Angels and High Souls of Sonship’s as members of the Royal family of Christ (Judgment under Book of Life). Judgment under Book of WISDOM)


11.??MIND VI – High Angels and High Souls for ELDERSHIPS under BROTHERHOOD OF CHRIST with multiple rewards, “LIFE, Satellite Throne and Glory of Happiness” (See, Revelation 3:18-22). Judgment under Book of GLORY)


12.??MIND IV, V and VI – This is the final and UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT which comprising of three divisions, as follows;



a)??????CREATION Judgment – All Natures Life be judged, and Nature’s Spirits, Low kind of Angels and Human Souls. Judgment is based on the WORKS OF HANDS for eternal Citizenships

b)?????POWER Judgment – All Heavenly beings based on WORD OF TONGUE will be judged to be SONSHIP level of LIFE

c)??????GLORY’S Judgment – All heavenly beings including Human Souls be judged based on THOUGHT OF MIND to be Brother of Christ with rewards of the SATELLITE THRONE-SHIP (Revelation 3:18-22)



HOLY BIBLE is the complete Book of the DIVINE LAW and DIVINE LOVE. In every work and decision making for justice distribution, Holy Bible must be the ultimate pattern of Judgment with Power and Mercy and Blessings. Almost all Leaders on earth in present generation are ignorant about the foundation of the STATE LAW, REGIONAL LAW, GLOBAL LAW and UNIVERSAL LAW. And that is why VATICAN CITY headed by Pope FRANCIS ardently sharing the POWER OF WISDOM to be part of the UNIVERSAL LAW completion.



1.3: YEAR 2020-2024 is day of HOLY SPIRIT


The remarkable journey of humankind under the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD’S Glory and Power. In what reason? See, below;


a)??????EXECUTIVE POWER of the UNIVERSAL SOCIETY of CHRIST – The United States of America (USA) is virtually power of God’s salvation symbolizes the LEFT WING of the great EAGLE protected and brought the WOMAN with male child in her WOMB from certain death of the power of BEAST or DRAGON (Revelation chapter 12). American 46th President is the second CATHOLIC Believer after John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. who is most voted POTUS being 45th successor of George Ball Washington on January 1, 1789-present (85,291 days / 233 years ago as a REGIONAL INSTITUTION


b)?????LEGISLATIVE POWER of the UNIVERSAL SOCIETY of CHRIST – The United Nations is virtually power of God’s salvation symbolizes the RIGHT WING of the great EAGLE protected and brought the WOMAN with male child in her WOMB from certain death of the power of BEAST or DRAGON (Revelation chapter 12). The UNITED NATIONS 10th Secretary General ANTONIO GUTERRES who only CATHOLIC Believer in 75 years existing of the GLOBAL INSTITUTION. President


c)??????JUDISCIARY POWER of the UNIVERSAL SOCIETY of CHRIST – The VATICAN CITY is virtually power of God’s salvation symbolizes the WOMAN with male child in the WOMB and has saved by great EAGLE from certain death of power of the BEAST or DRAGON (Revelation chapter 12). The BISHOP OF ROME or POPE who is chosen by God to lead the HOLY NATION (Romans 1:4-8). And holding that power of Baptism and teaching and blessings to be delivered to all NATIONS (Mathew 16:17-20 and Mathew 28:18-20). For now, Francis who UNIVERSAL Baptizer and Family builder performing his duties and responsibilities being 265th successor of St. Peter and 266th Pope or Bishop of Rome, which has existing for 1,989 years. Otherwise, those who obey Jesus Word up to end will have the power to rule over the NATIONS with MORNING STAR (Revelation 2:26-29)


OVERALL, “The 4 years of the CATHOLIC CHURCH UNIVERSAL TASK to be restored the broken GARDEN OF PARADISE refers to our Holy Planet Earth. Pres. Biden and UN secretary general Antonio Guterres being Catholic believers is unprecedented as part of the POPE’S SHEPHERDSHIPS. ?



John 16:12-13

New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

12?“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.?13?When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.





Author: Tito D. Sapetin, Wi.U


IA Brand/Institution of WISDOM: TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES (https://a.co/bWUfl56)

PAGE and VIP Account/Official: @titosapetin

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsapetin


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