56 helpful tips if 2020

56 helpful tips if 2020

How’s 2020 going for you so far? 

Here are some tips that might swing things for you if you are off to a rocky start ??

1. Take it easy. Start small and build in on that. Whatever your plan is, halve it, to begin with. You must build confidence. Do not fall into the trap of thinking you need everything right now.

2. You are X 10 times more powerful than you think you are. Stop playing small; this is holding you back. What you are capable of and what you think you are capable of are both created in your mind. 

3. Manage your time better you, or it will manage you. Make your health and fitness your top priority and everything else will fit fall into place. 

4. Keep things super simple and super consistent. Feeling overwhelmed is the enemy of progress.

5. Celebrate your wins, ignore your mistakes. Not the other way around like you have been doing until now!

6. Stay in the saddle. No matter how many times you fall get back on that horse and stay in the saddle.

7. Use pain as fuel. If you are in pain use it as fuel! Use spite as a fuel as well, prove everyone wrong.

8. End the 2 P's - Procrastination and Perfectionism. Stop over thinking, over planning and just DO!

9. You don't need to be old to be dying. Stop being a miserable, unhealthy, angry little man and take control. Get stronger and reverse the aging process today! I have realized this from experience.

10. Build muscle and self-esteem. Both of these things will drastically increase the quality of your life and will be the bridge to bigger and better things

11. Stop being so weak! It's ok not to be ok, you can cry, that's perfectly normal. What's not ok is sitting there blaming the world and doing sod all about it. Quit being so needy and become an unstoppable force of nature; an inspiration to others.

12. Health and fitness do not mean giving up on life. Drink the beer and the wine, eat all the cake and doughnuts, just don't feel bad about it and don't do it every day, it will make you feel like crap. Get a great workout in before you indulge, and be safe in the knowledge you are making actual use of the extra calories. 

13. Just because you are struggling, it does not mean you are failing. It's pretty easy to downplay our efforts and think we are not good enough. I've failed at every single thing I have ever attempted, but I never gave up, and neither will you. Keep failing forward.

14. The middle-aged spread is a myth. Or, to be more accurate, an excuse.

15. Stop basking in self-pity and immerse yourself in self- improvement. Listen - if the wheels fall off, do this - have a ‘pity party.' Eat junk food, drink wine, cry if you need to, whatever you need to do, just do it, but only for 24 hours! After that, you come back with a bang focusing solely on improvement and neglecting to forget about the previous 24 hours! 

16. Always take the hard road, not the easy road. There is gold to be found if you choose the more challenging route to anything. It has to be this way, or there is no value in it.

17. Face your fears. If it scares you, do it. 

18. Do anything that will move your forward today, however small. Don't fall into the trap of putting off until tomorrow, then repeating this thinking, you'll get nowhere …ever!

19. Don't believe everything you think. I estimate that I am wrong about 80% of the time (and that's probably wrong as well).

20. Master instant gratification. The longer you can delay, the better the results. 

21. Get Clarity. Like a ship without a captain, you will drift until you know what it is you want.

22. Overtraining is hard to achieve so don't worry about it. The guys who were POWs and built the bridge over the river Kwai had little food and did back-breaking until they died, that's overtraining. Remember it's time under tension; the more you put in, the better and faster the result.

23. Belly fat. Completely forget about it and know it is the last line of defense and will disappear provided you keep working out and get stronger. Fat burning happens globally, in other words, you can't spot- burn fat. Looking at it in disgust will only keep you in a negative state and render you powerless. 

24. Know this fact; There is no one solution for getting in shape, only YOUR WAY!

25. Strength and energy come from your mind. If you come home from a hard day at the office and the last thing you want to do is a workout, then guess what? Work-out! Get in a super positive state, jump around and get stuck in you will surprise yourself. Do this enough times, and you will never lack motivation - you'll just do it! 

26. Focus on the solution and not the problem. Stop thinking about your situation and the issues with it and focus on the answers; instead, it's the only way! You are already in pain so use it as fuel for the fire. What can you do right now to start the journey? 

27. Drink milk! It's incredible and will build muscle on a tomato!

28. Become the sharpest, smartest, fittest and most potent version of yourself. These are your new goals: everything else after this is pointless.

Prioritize your wellbeing. Sooner than you can imagine you will be happier and healthier. 

29. Depression is not a disease in my opinion, and you are creating it. There is nothing wrong with you! You merely have conditioned your mind to respond to life in a crappy way. Start looking for the good as well as looking after yourself. Drinking alcohol, smoking, bad food, negative thinking, lousy diet….it all adds up and then you wonder why you don't feel tip-top?

30. Drink beer, eat pizza and have abs. It's all possible as long as you have systems and discipline. 

31. Practice feeling good about yourself. The opposite will achieve absolutely nothing. It takes the same amount of effort to make yourself feel good as it does to criticize the hell out of yourself and feel bad all the time. 

32. Social media will make you fat and depressed. If you let it! Dominate, speak your mind and know that people will always be jealous when you are doing the things that they cant. Compare to no one because you are the BOSS here!

33. Excellent health and fitness will make you more productive. You will be unstoppable if you create a body and confidence to match. 

Eat lots of good food and forget diets. Even the word ‘diet' is negative. Just eat good food that will nourish you and forget the diet, and you will win, that's what winners do, they forget what is not essential …which brings me to my next point 

34. Focus and what matters and forget what doesn't. Work hard, play hard, eat good food, build muscle, look awesome, feel awesome, be happy, have a goal and purpose. If you nail this everything else will become obsolete.

35 Achieve your full potential. It is your duty, enough said.

36. Know your WHY'S and revise them every day. Carry index cards with your goals written on them and read them out loud twice a day. Reinforcement will get your subconscious working for you.

37. Upgrade your problems. That's all life is problem-solving. Get your body in shape, and then you will need new clothes, you will attract attention, you will have to maintain…better than fat, lacking convince, unhealthy and killing yourself right? 

38. Decide what you need to improve on. Find your strengths and weaknesses then actively work on bringing them into one excellent package…YOU!

39. You have all the resources already to be what you want to be. Look at how you want to look and live the life you want to live. You just have to silence that little voice in your head telling you that you can't, it's bullshit!

40. Motivation does not just show up. Take imperfect action first, and this will create momentum. Just get started, you will find your way. Waiting about for the right time does not work..ever!

41 Am I fat because I am depressed or depressed because I am fat? I asked myself this question, and it was the catalyst for massive change. 

42. Self-mastery is key. You need to focus all your efforts on mastering yourself. Stop limiting your potential by giving in to instant gratification, negative self-talk, concerning yourself with thoughts of how others perceive you. Get busy designing the body and life you deserve. 

43. Energy creates energy. When you feel shit that's ok, just get moving, force yourself! Within 20 minutes you will have a surge of energy every time. What you are capable of will astonish you if you push through. This is powerful stuff to know. 

44. Wear the clothes you want to. Not what you think you should wear. If you feel good on the outside, you will feel good on the inside. Look awesome in a suit it is that simple ??

45. Deal with the haters like this. As you accomplish your goals, you will make people uncomfortable. This is because you are doing what others can't or won't. When they are bitching and moaning you will be working. You will outperform and outwork everybody. Use this as your mantra. 

46. Forget getting toned. Get strong and powerful instead.

47. Trust the process. How many times have you give up because of self-sabotage and not believing in yourself? If you have a plan and apply effort its literally impossible for you to fail. 

48. Hit the gym with big compound moves. Squats, bench press, deadlifts, overhead press, etc. Lift big and eat big! More muscle =more fat burn, more growth hormone which will keep you strong, lean and looking young. Plus side, it's great fun, and you get a rush of endorphins when you're done.

49. Ruthlessly cancel out anybody that is negative towards your goals or pulling you away. This will seem harsh, but in the bigger picture of things, this is your life. Just like a box of crabs if one tries to make a break for it, the others will try and pull it back. Instead, surround yourself with winners and forget losers. 

50. You are better than everybody else. Now, this will seem like a self-absorbed statement but this the way I see it. If you think yourself on the higher path will then your life will gravitate that direction naturally. It will eliminate that internal dialogue that is unproductive, that nagging voice is telling you that you are of lower value than everyone else. What you don't do is walk about thinking you are better than everybody else, you are not. You are I are no better than the leaders of the countries; it's how we perceive ourselves the really make the difference. 

51. Follow the 80% mindset rule. You have most likely heard that everything in health in fitness is 70% nutrition. In my opinion, this is untrue its 80% mindset, 10% nutrition, 10% training.

52. You underestimate what you can do in a short time. If you super concentrate your efforts, you can accomplish big things quickly. What can you do in 24 hours? In a week? In a month? More than you think. But you will have to work harder than you ever have before. 

53. Work on your goals without the need for recognition. You are doing this for you and no one else. Be selfish with your time, this will seem not the done thing but people pleasing will get you nowhere. Work like a beast without apology and get what you want. 

54. Be an inspiration to others and know that everyone is on their own personal journey as are you.

55. Use affirmations. Keep telling yourself you are healthy and powerful. Stop telling yourself you are weak and useless …you are not! 

56. Have fun every day. Limitless is a life design system enabling you to live your life exactly how you want to. But your highest value should be to have fun in everything you do. If you are struggling with this find the way, it's there, it's within. #Limitless


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