55 years ago ... LBJ on: The Dignity of Man ... The Destiny of Democracy ... We Shall Overcome
Rashid Kapadia
Speaker, Project Manager, Engineer, Consultant, and Author of Necessary Bridges
On March 15, 1965, as the nation reeled from the "Bloody Sunday" beatings of civil rights marchers in Selma, Ala., President Lyndon B. Johnson made a stirring call upon Congress to ensure the voting rights of black Americans.
Historians widely regard this “We Shall Overcome” speech, as one of the greatest presidential speeches in American history. The "American Rhetoric" website ranks this as the #10 top American speech from the last century. https://www.americanrhetoric.com/top100speechesall.html
Here are 10 minutes of extracts from one of the great US Presidential speeches.
The speech has an inspiring backstory too. It was written in 8 hours by Richard Goodwin, who was in his early 30s. It has even been reported that “Goodwin held on to a speech until the last moment, to prevent the speaker from messing around with it.”