55+ Why Now May be the Best Time to Sell.
For years I have heard if I sold where would I go or my property taxes are so low I can't afford to move. Well for those 55 and older Proposition 19 just may be your answer. Let's meet and discuss how you can sell and reap all the benefits of this newly passed proposition.
Robbyn Battles | 818-388-1631 | [email protected]
The benefits for seniors through the passage of proposition 19 are outlined out in detail below.
In November 2020, California voters passed Proposition 19, which makes changes to property tax benefits for families, seniors, severely disabled persons, and victims of natural disaster. These changes will become effective in February and April 2021, depending on the component of the measure.
"The implementation dates for Proposition 19 are fast approaching and my Office is working hard to inform the public about the changes that will occur. While there is still uncertainty about many components of the measure, this informational brochure will try and answer some of the basic elements of Proposition 19."
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