55 Features of a Successful Small Business Website

55 Features of a Successful Small Business Website

In the present era of Internet & Social Media, having an effective online presence has become a prerequisite for every business whether it is a start-up, a small business or a well-established business/company. Knowing the importance of having a good social media presence, there are many small businesses that still don’t have websites.

Starting with a good looking website design & layout for your small business website is the first thing that needs to be done, obviously. Apart from the design and layout, there are so many other features that can make a small business website stand out and get noticed quickly.

To make your Website shine among the rest, we have compiled a list of must-have 55 features for Small Business Websites. These fantastic features also take care of the technical and search engine optimization aspects of your website.

Here’s a cool infographic that you should print, tack to your board and refer to every time you start putting together a new website!

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