5/28/20: Paris Jour Et Nuit #13. Focusing On The To Do Listssss. No Time For Sightseeing Today. All Meals At Home From Auchan and Picard.

5/28/20: Paris Jour Et Nuit #13.

Focusing On The To Do Listssss. No Time For Sightseeing Today.

All Meals At Home From Auchan and Picard.

This morning’s unexpected entertainment (as I walked to the kitchen in my pajamas and panties); were window washers hanging from cables outside, directly in front of the kitchen window! It’s scared the hell out of me as I was expecting to see the sunrise and the panoramic view of the city, and instead saw men hanging in helmets directly in front of me! I think they might have had a more exciting view than I did to commence the day…

Behind the pretty, peaceful pictures of scenes that are making history of being able to experience a city that usually sees 40 million tourists a year and having the most famous historic landmarks in the world to ourselves, has been so surreal. I cannot stop re-looking at our pictures and rethinking about our experiences here these past two weeks; knowing, a few weeks and months from now, it will be a very different setting in an instant.

Aside from our little scenic-walks however, lies the reality of making another country to country move; a process that took me a complete three months to come to fruition from the U.S.A. to the U.K. 


opening new bank accounts with people I hated,

to signing new cell phone contracts with people I hated, 

to obtaining a new social security numbers with people I hated, 

to obtaining medical insurance with people I hated,

to enrolling my daughter in a new International school with people we loved, 

to finding a flat I loved, in a neighborhood I disliked, 

to finding a flat I disliked, in a neighborhood I loved, 

to finding a job I hated, with people I loved, in a part of town I hated, 

to finding I job I loved, with people I hated, in a part of town I loved, 

to learning the tube system with people I hated,

to learning the bus system with people I hated,

to learning which grocery stores to shop at and the ones to stay away from the people I hated, 

…so, after 1 year of being almost perfectly settled in the U.K., well, it’s time to do it all over again… and start at the beginning on every line in France!

... and to add a little spice to it all; doing it all during the covid-19 pandemic with all the new laws and restrictions posing a challenge every step of the way… Are we having fun yet?!

My to do lists are typed and updated daily if not hourly.

Each day we are attacking new tasks and challenges and the ultimate goal is to be fully functioning in France before September!

For now, we have a few more trains and taxis to take ahead of us…

And in my favorite words by Stephen Covey:

“Begin With The End In Mind.”

Good Night.

From Paris With Love & Happiness,

Laureline & Cecelia


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