#525: If You're a Leader, Know Your Followers
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#525: If You're a Leader, Know Your Followers

Introduction to Course Topic on Communication

Communicating is at the heart of leadership. It is what links the leader to the team. Leaders need to master the various shades and nuances of how to speak to others, whether this involves authoritative telling or concentrated listening. They also need to switch effortlessly from relating to individuals on a one-to-one basis to speaking effectively to groups to giving task instructions. Above all, leaders must know their followers.

01. Talking Their Language

The Japanese symbol for listening is an open gate and an ear: when we really listen to someone we go through an open gate and into their world.

To help us understand how others see things we can use personality typologies, such as the Myers-Briggs scale of 16 types or the Enneagram model of 9 personality types.

These personality models help us know what is important in another person's perception and this knowledge can help us to build rapport with them. This enables us to get closer to others and influence them to move in directions we want them to go - the art of true leadership.

02. Those Who Follow Their Heart

One group of followers works best when they are involved with others. Leaders can hit it off with them if they notice how best they respond.

This group includes the following:

Those Who Like The Company Of Others. This type of person is a great talker and responds to all forms of communication. "Who else should we talk to, Emme?"

Those Who Need The Admiration Of Others. This type of person likes to believe they are popular and well-liked. You can get a response if you praise them. "That was a terrific job you did at the conference, Jacob."

Those Who Like To Feel Special. This type of person likes to be noticed in their own right, so they will expect to be consulted for their particular views. "What do you think we should do, Ali?"

03. Those Who Follow Their Head

A second group of followers work best when they think things through. Leaders can hit it off with them if they notice how best they respond.

This group includes the following:

Those Who Conceptualise. This type of person finds it necessary to think things through before they do anything. "What do you think we should do, Ingrid?"

Those Who Need Reassurance. This type of person likes to have clear and authoritative communication. They will ask repeated questions and expect answers they can rely on. “Gunnar, is there anything you're not sure about?"

Those Who Like To Be Doing. This type of person works out that it is better to be active than passive. They respond to anything that leads to activity. "Sebastian, can you run an errand for me?"

04. Those Who Follow Their Gut

A third group of followers work best when they react to situations. Leaders can hit it off with them if they notice how best they respond.

This group includes the following:

Those Who React Aggressively To Situations. This type of person likes to take charge, campaigning for their ideas or attacking injustices. "What do you want to do, Beatriz?"

Those Who React By Avoiding Situations. This type of person hates to be tied down and responds to communication which focuses on how things could be made less complicated. "What's the easiest way, Peter?"

Those Who React By Judging Situations. This type of person tends to be critical. You can get on their wavelength by talking about the right way to do something. "What do you think we ought to do, Alvaro?"

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