52 Must-Know Phrasal Verbs in Context
Thomas Spengler
Thomas Spengler 100% NATIVE ENGLISH CLASSES Panama Conversation, interview prep, English tests, aviation and more. 20 years of experience. 6244 5110
Daves alarm goes off at 4:30: this means that the alarm rings or makes a sound.
As soon as he gets up: to get?up means to get out of your bed in the morning
He turns on the coffee machine: to turn?something?on means to start it
He’s run out of cream: if you run?out?of something, it means you don’t have any left
It’s time to work out: to work?out means to exercise
He sets off on his 20-mile run: to set?off means to start a journey/run
breathing in the ocean air: this means to inhale. It can also be used to experience something, for example:
As he runs along the oceanfront: to run?along?something means to run next to something – it can be used for other things too such as:
He’s running out of energy: similar to the milk example before, we can use this for energy, patience, and other things
He doesn’t give up: to give?up means to quite / to stop doing something
He bangs out 100 push-ups: if you bang something out it means to do something in a quick manner
He turns on the shower: Again, this means to start something
He jumps in the shower: this means to get in the shower
He dries himself off: to dry?yourself?off means to dry yourself with a towel
He opens up his computer: to open a closed laptop – it can be used to open files too:
He logs in to his emails: enter your username and password to access your emails
He turns down five offers: to turn?down?something means to refuse to do it
He has to iron out a few details: to resolve/agree to some details
He looks up flights to New York: find information about / research something
He doesn’t have time to shop around: to shop?around means to consider several options and compare prices before making a decision
He fills out the form: to complete a form with information (name, address, etc.)
It’s time to get on with writing his presentation: to get?on?with?something is to spend your time doing something
He doesn’t want to put this off until next week: to put?something?off means to delay something
He gave them up a few years ago: to give?something?up means to quit something
He warms up leftover pasta: to make something warm (especially, food)
He digs in: to dig?in means to start eating something with enthusiasm
The afternoon is dragging on a bit: if something is dragging?on it means that time is going slowly or that things aren’t going as quickly as you like
He adds in a little honey: to include it as part of something else
He spends the rest of the afternoon finishing up his presentation: this means to complete the presentation
It’s now time to chill out for the rest of the evening: this means to relax/take it easy – it can also mean to not worry
… to see if she wants to hang out: to hang?out means to spend time together in a social way
He heads out just before 5: to head?out means to leave your house/office to go somewhere else
He’s looking forward to catching up: to look?forward?to?something means that you are excited about something
They grew up together: this means that they spent their childhood together
He pops in for a few minutes: to pop in means to enter someone’s house for a brief period of time
They?decide?to?eat?out: to eat out means to eat at a restaurant
He wolfs them down: to eat something very quickly
Sarah only picks at them: the opposite of wolf?down – to not eat a lot and eat slowly
They then go through the menu again: this means to look at the menu again to see what’s on offer
… and pick out a main meal to share: this means to choose something
Sarah then knocks back a couple of very expensive cocktails: to drink – usually alcohol – quickly
He’s trying to cut back on alcohol during the week: this means to reduce
They actually run into an old friend from school: to meet someone who you know by chance
They decide to stay out a bit longer: to remain out of the home
Dave drops Sarah off at home: to drop?someone?off means to take them home (in a car)
He has enough time to write down what he has learned that day: to write something on a piece of paper
He then turns off the lights: the opposite of turn?on
He gets into bed: to enter your bed
And passes out immediately: to fall asleep straight away