#515: Today's "Pop-Up" Course Is on "Models of Learning"
Eric Garner
Author of 37 books on soft skills, founder of ManageTrainLearn and 6 e-learning websites, creator of 22,000+ e-learning resources, all free to access or download, owner of daily "People Skills" newsletter
In today's "People Skills" newsletter, we're looking at another one of our "pop-up" presentations where we give you a micro-course on a key workplace soft skill. Today, it's on "Models of Learning".
01. Intro to "Models of Learning"
The need for effective training in our organizations means that people at all levels and with all backgrounds need to be able to learn and train in a way that results in desired performance. That’s why in the workplace, there is no simple shortcut to transferring learning. There are, however, a range of learning models that will point the way. In this topic, we’ll show you 9 of the most important.
02. Pedagogy
The Greeks called teacher-centred learning models "pedagogy" from their words "paidos" meaning "boy" and "agogos" meaning "to lead", ie leading children...
What are the pros and cons of a pedagogic or trainer-centred approach to training? Give examples of using the trainer-centred approach. In what kinds of training would this approach be most suitable?
03. Lectures
Lectures and presentations are the staple diet of pedagogic or school-based teaching. They involve the passing of information from one who knows to others who don't know.
04. Androgogy
In contrast to pedagogy, which means "leading children", androgogy comes from the Greek "andro" meaning "men and women" and means "leading adults"...
What are the pros and cons of an androgogic or trainee-centred approach to training? Give examples of using the trainee-centred approach. In what kinds of training would this approach be most suitable?
05. Experiential Learning
David Kolb has developed a model of learning based on learning from experience. There are four stages in the model...
Give examples from your own experience of learning by experience. How closely did these experiences follow David Kolb’s steps? As a trainer, how can you help others do more experiential learning?
06. Behaviour Modelling
Research has found that Behaviour Modelling is the most effective learning model for acquiring new skills. There are 4 steps in the process...
Give examples from your own experience of learning from others. How closely did these experiences follow the steps in Behaviour Modelling? What factors need to be present for behaviour modelling to be successful?
07. Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard Graduate School, describes seven distinct intelligences which everyone has. They are...
How can you use the theory of multiple intelligences to improve the way that you train and others learn? Suggest some people you know in each of the 7 multiple intelligences. What is your strongest intelligence?
08. Instruction
The instructing model of learning is based on transferring skills from a person who possesses them to a person who doesn't. 7 key steps in the model are...
Give examples from your own experience of instructing others or being instructed by others. How closely did these experiences follow the steps in this model? What factors need to be present for instruction to be successful?
14. Coaching
The word "coach" derives from university slang for a private tutor. Today, coaching has become an essential skill for all managers, to both give to others and receive from others...
Give examples from your own experience of coaching others or being coached by others. How closely did these experiences follow the steps in this model? What factors need to be present for coaching to be successful?
15. Puppy Dog Training
Praise and reinforcement are key elements in getting trainees to do what you want. It is also applicable to animal training...
16. Mentoring
In Homer's Iliad, Mentor was the appointed guardian of Telemachus, son of Ulysses, king of Troy...
Give examples from your own experience of mentoring others or being mentored by others. How closely did these experiences follow the steps in this model? What factors need to be present for mentoring to be successful?
18. A Final Word
In modern organizations, it is not enough to have one kind of training with one kind of learning. The need for different kinds of skills is too great. That’s why the more resourceful you are in helping people learn, the more successful the person will be and so will their team and organization.
What's Next?
If you have found this article useful, you now have a great resource to add to your e-learning store.
And, with this as your starting point, you can now take things further.
With over 22,000 learning resources on our 6 websites, with 2 sites offering free downloads, you can now take charge of your own learning and create your own learning pathways to success.
Simply commit yourself to a daily snippet of learning and then practise it, reflect upon it, apply it, and review it, and in no time at all, you will have mastered the skill with confidence.
Thanks for reading this edition of the "People Skills" newsletter and good luck with your ongoing learning.
Oh, and one last thing.
In the spirit of making the world a freer, happier and more enlightened place...
...please pass this newsletter on.
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