Do it Anyway - Introducing "Manager Maps"? (don't forget to Subscribe)

Do it Anyway - Introducing "Manager Maps" (don't forget to Subscribe)

An enormous amount of focus is put on the topic of motivation in any discussion related to high performance.

Motivation is what gets you into the game; Learning is what helps you continue to play; Lreativity is how you steer; and Flow is how you turbo-boost the results beyond all rational standards and reasonable expectations. — Steven Kotler

If motivation is such an important first step, why do we skip important work despite feeling motivated?

We skip the most valuable task, so easily by giving into easy traps like laziness, procrastination, distraction and the infinite scrolls.

Time and again I tell myself, "When I complete X, I will do Y". It is okay if the Y is not an important task.

But what if Y is the most important part of our to-do list or a creative task that gives us the most satisfaction as a professional and as a human?

What if Y ensures that we realize our potential and helps us challenge ourselves in our journey? Is it right to have a pre-condition (X) and delay it (Y)?

Since I know my limitation as a writer in motivating you with words, I will seek the help of Steven Pressfield to drive home the point 'Do it anyway'.

"Do it anyway.

We don’t have to do anything else first. We don’t need to cure our neuroses, conquer our fears, overcome our bad habits. We don’t have to be sane; we don’t have to be solvent. We can be totally screwed up. None of these real-world troubles has anything to do with our creative selves.

The part of our psyches that we write from, or paint from, or conceive new entrepreneurial or philanthropic ventures from . . . that part exists in a wholly different dimension from the part of us that is mucking up our personal lives. There’s no connection. The twain don’t meet.?No matter how balled-up we may be in our outer world, our internal fortress of solitude remains waterproof, soundproof, bulletproof."

On that note, I wish you all a great week ahead and I hope you are all going to Do it anyway, no matter how the other part of your life comes in your way of being your best.

'Experience' vs. Formal education, which is more important?

As per the above study by 麦肯锡 , it is established that an employee's growth in any organization is significantly influenced by the value of "experience" one gains on the job when compared to one's formal education.

In that case, would it be fair to say that an employee's manager can play a crucial role in enhancing the richness of that "experience" for his/her team members?

Individuals can’t make bold moves that represent a real leap unless an employer (~manager ?) sees their potential and takes a chance on hiring them.

If you replace the word "employer" with "manager in the above quote it makes a strong case as to how vital the role of a manager is in 1) hiring people with potential, 2) committing to delivering coaching and facilitating connections, and 3) developing team members who will go on to other things.

But how often do organizations invest in People Management skills for their managers to be the best possible versions they can be?

Introducing 'Manager Maps' (dont forget to Subscribe)

If you are a people manager or aspiring to become one, you must subscribe to this newsletter , which I am very excited to present to you all in partnership with Tealfeed .

Last week I made the announcement and I can't wait to start helping managers be better at People Management.

Join my brand new content initiative "Manager Maps ".

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Manager Maps Logo

Book(s) Discovery:

Anthro Vision: How Anthropology Can Explain Business and Life

There is so much debate out there about AI but this book is about another kind of AI - Anthropological Intelligence.

Anthropology alone amongst the sciences strives to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange. — Horace Miner

Most modern-day problem-solving techniques are approached very narrowly. But if you are looking for a lateral vision, an anthropological mindset can be a powerful tool with three core principles you can leverage.

  1. Cultivating a mindset of empathy for strangers and valuing diversity
  2. Listening to others' views makes it easy to see yourselves
  3. Seeing blindspots in others and ourselves

I hope you'll add this book to your wish list without any FOMO of treating it as a must-read.

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Anthro Vision cover image

Anthropology may not provide the answer to the question of the meaning of life, but at least i can tell us that there are many ways in which to make a life meaningful. — Thomas Hylland Erikse

See you next week in?#TraceYourMastery . Check out?all the previous editions here .

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