At 51:
I dream of a world where we jaw-jaw instead of war-war.
I dream of a nation where all of us will be proud citizens.
I dream of a country where there will be equal treatment for all.
I dream of a nation where tribe, religion, family background or financial status will not be a determinant factor of who becomes what.
I dream of a country where our rulers will rule with the fear of God.
I dream of a nation where our leaders will be responsible, responsive and respectful.
I dream of a country where we will co-habit peaceful with each other no matter where we hail from.
I dream of a nation where justice and fairness will reign in the land.
I dream of a country where all religion adherents will tolerate each other.
I dream of a time when those we voted into office will no longer steal our commonwealth.
I dream of a time when rulers will no longer oppress the followers.
I dream of a time when our leaders will be faithful and truthful to us.
I dream of a time when the poor, the fatherless and the widows will be treated fairly.
I dream of a time when people will not be denied their rights.
I dream of a time when all those who have stolen the nation's monies will voluntarily return them.
I dream of a time when people will be able to afford food of their tables.
I dream of a country where bribery will become an anathema.
I dream of a nation where all of us will willingly perform our responsibilities.
I dream of a country where there will no longer be armed robbers, hired-assassins, kidnappers, terrorists....
I dream of a time when politicians will no longer rig elections and keep thugs.
As a pastor, I dream of a time when churches will no longer build Cathedrals of Sinners but Tents of Saints.
Am I not dreaming of a Utopia society or a world of impossibilities?
Are these not tall dreams?
But these are my sincere dreams! You can help make these dreams be fulfilled!!
Help Oh Lord, these are my dreams… Let me see them fulfill!!!
To all who are wishing me well, I say thank you.
But remember too that a year is gone today out of my time on earth.