50,000 Hours
April Hargraves
Experienced Logistics Manager with an extensive background in empowering clients and providing an unstoppable partnership, in order to create successful solutions for all their supply chain needs.
When did you start working full time?
For some of us, we had jobs throughout high school as well, but who really remembers that after all these years? LOL!
But seriously... have you ever stopped to think just how many hours you have under your belt now? My family/friends will tell you that I am a work-a-holic, so I don't even know where to start. But let's just take a guideline.
52 weeks in 1 year x 40 hours worked a week = 2,080 hours a year
50,000 hours / 2,080 hours = 24.04 years
Well, I've got 7 more years to go! How many do you have? Pretty interesting isn't it?
But... you know I've got to turn this around to transportation some how, right? So let's look at the average on a truck driver.
Drive time is 11 hours a day x 5 days a week = 55 hours
52 weeks a year x 55 hours a week = 2,860 hours / 50,000 = 17.48 years!
Wow..... I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty impressive.
Okay... now you can calculate away.